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~Submissive Kittys' Cage~

If you've landed here, then chances are you are doing so because i've led you here. Life takes us all down our own path. A path that calls to us..we've got no choice in the end but follow.

I've done just that, this is where you find yourself now. Walking in my foot steps.

Your here for one of two reasons, you are a fellow sub and are walking down the same path or you are a potential Master and ive led you here to completely open myself up for you to see.{Update: I have a Master, and Im NOT looking}

Either way i hope what you find inside is pleasing for you and you find something of what you were looking for, in it and maybe in me.

If by chance you come upon this via search engine then proceed with an open mind or hit exit and you'll be back in your own safe boring little world unscaved.