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My Home Page

hi! Some people will be complaining about this, because i have changed the spelling of my name(again)i think i'll keep it like this from now on, so you wont have to worry.(just to tell you, it's ellie now) I had a great time at the bbq. Kayleigh was soooo funny. Stuart was great, but he kept dropping his sausages,(yep, he dropped 2)And jane went mad on onion rings.We also found out that some water bombs are almost indestructable, and painful too, the story behind that was reallly good.Ask me if you like. I have some riddles and stuff for you to try and figure out, but for the people who dont get it, there is an answer for each one, right underneath.I have ot a page about me, a page about all my mates,(you).

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