
Name: Jackie



Birthday: 05.04.87

Sign: Taurus

Brothers/Sisters: Andrew

Pets: Sam Nam

Favourite film: Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas Lucky number: 13

Favourite city: WinterPark in Colorado

Favourite dish: Egg Sandwich

Favourite drink: Dr.Pibb

Special interest:Eastern European Folklore, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, White Stripes, Famous Stars and Staps, Atomic, etc.

What I don't like: red meat, the misuse of mind altering substances, drama, shallow guys, barbie like girls

Favourite Writers: Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, Stephen King, Anne Rice

Best song ever: The Innocent by Good Charlotte/Mest/Goldfinger

~****~tHe EnTrIeS~****~

Jackie's Journal


Friday the 13th!! It all started out just fine, but after 2nd period it all went down hill. Third period The 9th Circle (My group) broke a paylod (light bulb) and got yelled at by the teacher. 4th period was total and utter hell. Lunch was ok, nothing special. 5th period we had this freaking weird test, and 6th everyone was being mean to me. It was a bad day . . .

After school I went home and got ready for the hospital. I learned how to fax and did my usual job. I hung out with Linda after and stuff. Then this really mean lady came in and started yelling at us. She's like a freakin vampire. I didn't have a really good day.

I hate alllll the emotional crap I go through all the time. I can't seem to get rid of it, it's always there and it annos the crap outta me. I mean, c'mon! Really, liking the same guy for the 2nd time after breaking up with a totally awesome yet opposite guy.theres no compassion anymore. guys seem to only want the barbie type girls, they never seem to take another look around before totally diving into one. Guy need to shed their fucking shallow ways and learn to deal cuz in the end, barbie like girls go for what's in. they are nothing more then a trend follower. once they suck the all the green from your wallets, they'll be on search for the new victim!

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