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Nickname: Haunters

Basic Abilities

Sense Chaos: The wraith's attunement to chaos and the Shadow allows her to detect if something has been manipulated by Pandemonium or a Shadow. This is also helpful for the detecting if a mortal has been tampered with Spectres.

System: The player rolls Perception + Pandemonium (difficulty 7).


The wraith may invoke some small, strange effect on a single target. The object of this art may feel suddenly cold, or his hackles rise, or he might suffer a momentary hallucination.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Pandemonium.

This art costs 1 Pathos.


The wraith may momentarily confuse a target, disorienting him and making him temporarily forget who he is and what he's doing.

System: The player rolls Intelligence + Pandemonium (difficulty of the subject's Willpower). The effects last for one turn per success. The victim must make an Intelligence roll (difficulty 8) to think clearly. This art works equally on mortals and wraiths.

Befuddlement costs 1 Pathos.

Dark Ether

The wraith may tamper with the weather or light conditions in a small area. She may radically change the temperature, summon mist and darkness, modify the humidity, or even evoke a glow akin to St. Elmo's Fire.

System: The player declares the effect she wants and rolls Intelligence + Pandemonium. The number of successes defines the degree and duration of the change in environment. Five successes calls up enough turbulence (if desired) to inflict one Health or Corpus Level of damage on beings in the vicinity. This is rare; most Haunters use this art to terrify rather than injure.

This art costs 2 Pathos to invoke. In addition, if Dark Ether is used as an attack, it gives the user a point of Angst.

Foul Humour

The wraith may channel his Corpus through the Shroud, manifesting noxious substances or swarms of small vermin. He can create plagues of frogs or locusts, clouds of wasps, or nests of snakes, rats or spiders. He can alternatively produce clotted gore, raw flesh, blood, muck, reasonably strong acid or other foul matter.

System: The player must state what effect he is trying for and roll Intelligence + Pandemonium. The number of successes determines the extent and detail of the manifestation. The substances or vermin usually vanish after a scene or less; traces infrequently remain, particularly if the wraith scored five or more successes. Any caustic or damaging effects inflict one die of damage for every two successes on the initial roll.

This art costs 1 Pathos and 1 Willpower, and grants the wraith a point of Angst.

Tempus Fugit

The wraith can distort distance and time itself. By using Tempus Fugit, he could slow or hasten the passage of time, or make the length of a corridor seem like a footstep or a league. He may not, however, reverse or repeat time.

System: The player declares his intentions and rolls Intelligence + Pandemonium. The number of successes determines the amount of change permitted in his immediate area.

Each success alters the flow of time by one turn. For example, if the wraith scored three successes, he could draw out an action requiring one turn into four turns of effect. Conversely, he could speed up an action requiring six turns, letting it be finished in three. This art can be attempted once per scene. (Note: This does not add to the number of actions a target gets from Celerity, Rage, or Effect of the Time Sphere; it can only subtract them.) Tempus Fugit also works in the Shadowlands (difficulty 7).

This art costs 4 Pathos and 1 Willpower. Alternately, by rolling Dexterity + Pandemonium (difficulty 7), a wraith may focus this art on himself alone, gaining an extra action per turn for each success. This method costs 2 Pathos and 1 Willpower, and the effects last for one scene.