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Nickname: Masquers

Basic Abilities

Glow: The wraith can use this art to cause herself or another to glow with an inner light whatever color and intensity she chooses.

System: The player rolls Charisma + Moliate (difficulty 7). The number of successes indicates the how many scenes the glow lasts.

This art costs 1 Pathos.

Return of Death's Visage: This ability brings the wraith's form back to her original visage, making her appear as she did when her Caul was first removed.

System: The player rolls Manipulation + Moliate. The difficulty varies depending on the amount of change the wraith has undergone since her death (minor change 6, moderate change 9, drastic change 10). The number of successes determines how accurately the wraith assumes her original shape.

This art costs 1 Pathos.

Shapesense: Those with Moliate can detect whether or not another wraith has been Moliated, and if so, in what manner.

System: The player rolls Perception + Moliate (difficulty equal to the original shaper's Dexterity + Moliate). The number of successes determines the amount of information gleaned, possibly even giving the character an idea of the reshaped wraith's original form.


The first art taught to students of Moliate is the ability to change one's face to mimic another's. This is obviously easiest when the wraith is looking at the face to be Imitated, though Imitate may be done from memory. The wraith may only change her face, not her whole Corpus.

System: The player rolls Dexterity + Moliate. The difficulty varies: 5 if she can see the face, 8 if working from memory. If the wraith has a skinmask of the target in her possession (see Rend below), the difficulty drops to 4. The number of successes indicate the difficulty of penetrating the disguise.

This art costs 1 Pathos.


A wraith may use Sculpt to alter the Corpus however she chooses. She may devise new appendages, shape jagged teeth, grow new sensory organs, adorn herself with markings or patterns, or cause parts of her body to grow or shift color. The only effect Sculpt has can create that mimics weaponry is the creation of enhanced teeth, allowing the wraith to perform the bite maneuver. Apart from this, the retains her original physical capabilities regardless of the number of appendages; actively using new appendages requires Martialry (listed below).

System: The character may Sculpt himself or another wraith. The player rolls Manipulation + Moliate (difficulty 7). The storyteller set the number of successes necessary for the goal. Any Sculpting effects are permanent (until negated by another Sculpting). This art cannot cause damage; it just changes the target's shape.

This art costs 1 Pathos to use, and the subject loses a Corpus Level.

Sculpt may also be used to heal aggravated damage; a wraith using Sculpt can replace lost Corpus Levels by reworking the wounds. The healer must obtain one success for each level of aggravated damage to be healed; this use of Sculpt costs a Willpower and a Pathos, plus 1 Pathos per success.


This art permits the wraith to shape her limbs into weapons or form her skin into armor. Any weapons created are automatically usable by one who knows how, but armor tends to be stiff and inflexible. The wraith simply molds the chosen limb into the desired weapon, hardening it as she goes. By the same token, the wraith trying to make armor works her Corpus into a formidable carapace with a mirrorlike sheen. Many Masquers deliberately make their bodily arsenal as ornate and personalized as possible without detracting a whit from utility.

System: To create weaponry, the player must roll Intelligence + Moliate (difficulty of the character's Stamina +3). Each success allow the weapon to inflict an additional dir of damage in hand-to-hand combat. The shape of the weapon matters little, although many wraiths prefer swords for ease of use.

To sculpt armor, the player rolls Stamina + Moliate (difficulty Strength +3). Each success adds one die to the character's soak roll, but each success after the first adds +1 to the difficulty of any Dexterity-based roll from the armor's stiffness.

Using Martialry costs 3 Pathos. Weapons and armor cannot be created at the same time; Martialry must be used twice to create both effects. Furthermore, a wraith can only use Martialry on himself; girding others for war is one of the lost arts of the now-banished Guild.


Masters of this art can tear apart the Corpus of other wraiths. Creative use of Rend allows one to dismember, disfigure or otherwise mutilate another soul, even going so far as to permit tearing off a victim's face and keeping it as a souvenir. Such a grisly trophy is called a skinmask, and can aid the use of Imitate.

System: The character using Rend must first contact her target, generally by making a successful attack roll. The player rolls Strength + Moliate (difficulty of the victim's Stamina +3). Each success inflicts one die of aggravated damage, plus one die per extra point of Pathos spent. Five or more successes permits the wraith to tear off a portion of her opponent (e.g., face, hand, knee or just a random handful of plasm).

Rend costs 1 Pathos to activate, plus whatever the player spends to gain extra dice. Each use of Rend gains the character 1 Angst.


The character with this art may transform his or another's Corpus into practically anything intangible, from a supermodel to a bookcase or a chunk of modern sculpture. It is dangerous to stretch one's plasm too thin; the relative volume of the final form should be roughly equal to the wraith's normal volume.

System: The player rolls Wits + Moliate, at a difficulty depending on the final form. Taking the form of an oily puddle is very easy (difficulty 5), while mimicking a Hierarchy Anacreon in full regalia is much harder (difficulty 9). The wraith can only maintain a full-body change for a limited time (one scene per success) before his normal Corpus reverts to normal.

This art costs 4 Pathos. If Moliating an unwilling wraith into a torch or similar object, the wraith also gains 2 Angst.