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These Merits and Flaws establish your wraith's special capacities and abilities, or modify the effects and powers of your wraith's other Traits.

Ambidextrous: (1 point Merit)

You have a high degree of off-hand dexterity and can perform tasks with the "wrong" hand at no penalty. The normal penalty for using both hands at once to perform different tasks (such as fighting with a weapon in each hand) is at a +1 difficulty for the "right" hand and a +3 difficulty for the other hand.

Computer Aptitude: (1 point Merit)

You have a natural affinity with computers, so the difficulties of all rolls to repair, construct, or operate them are reduced by two. This is especially handy for Artificers or anyone possessing Inhabit.

Crack Driver: (1 point Merit)

You have a natural affinity with driving motorized wheeled vehicles, such as cars, 18-wheelers and even tractors. The difficulty of all rolls requiring risky or especially difficult driving maneuvers are reduced by two. However, unless you possess a relic vehicle, this Merit may not be as beneficial to you in death as it may have been in life.

Mechanical Aptitude: (1 point Merit)

You are naturally adept with all kinds of mechanical devices (note that this aptitude does not extend to electronic devices, such as computers). The difficulties of all dice rolls to understand, repair or operate any kind of mechanical device are reduced by two. However, this Merit doesn't help you drive any sort of vehicle.

Natural Linguist: (2 point Merit)

You have a flair for languages. This Merit does not allow you to learn more languages than the number permitted by your Linguistics score, but you may add three dice to any Dice Pool involving languages (both written and spoken).

Daredevil: (3 point Merit)

You are good at taking risks, and are even better at surviving them. All difficulties are one less whenever you try something particularly dangerous, and you can ignore one botch result when you roll "ones" on such actions (you can cancel a single "one" that is rolled, as if you have an extra success). This is a particularly appropriate for those wraiths who met there demise as a result of their own reckless behavior.

Fast Learner: (5 point Merit)

You learn very quickly, and pick up on new things faster than most others. You gain one extra experience point at the conclusion of each story (not each game session).

Jack-Of-All-Trades: (5 point Merit)

You have a large pool of miscellaneous skills and knowledge obtained through your extensive travels, the jobs you've held, or just all-around know-how. You automatically have one dot in all Skill and Knowledge Dice Pools. This is an illusory level, used only to simulate a wide range of abilities. If the character trains or spends experience in the Skill or Knowledge, he must pay the point cost for the first level a "second time" before raising the Skill or Knowledge to two dots.

Inept: (5 point Flaw)

You are not attuned to your natural aptitudes, and therefore have five less points to spend on your Talents (so the most you could take on your Talents would be 8, the least would be 0). Of course, you can still spend freebie points to take Talents. However, you cannot, at the start of the game, have any Talent at level three or higher.

Uneducated: (5 point Flaw)

Because you have never been to school, you have five less points to spend on your Knowledge abilities (so the most you could take would be 8, and the least would be 0). Of course, you can still spend freebie points to take Knowledges. However, you cannot, at the start of the game, have any Knowledge at level three or higher.

Unskilled: (5 point Flaw)

You have never trained extensively in any skill or craft, and therefore have five less points to spend on your Skills (so the most you could take would be 8, and the least would be 0). Of course, you can still spend freebie points to take Skills. However, you cannot, at the start of the game, have any Skill at level three or higher.