[Hmm...Nobody Knows More About Me then Me..]

I'm just doing my part to the demoralization of American youth..
- Jason Kneival

--| Begin Roleplay |--

..((Our scene opens up in what appears to be a white room, tiny compared to the other things seen in things past. This room has no windows, one door, and very few furnishings. The furnishings that do exist consist of a chair, a nail, and a plasma television hanging from this nail. There is a person standing in a corner of this room, and by past recognization we know whom it is. It is the Scream Queen Daffney Unger. She bites the side of her lower lip as her arms cross, her eyes on the television screen. Upon this portrays the one named Victoria. Victoria proceeds to attack people who do not deserve it, like Terri for instance. Daffney tilts her head, her hair spilling down that one side. She shakes her head as Victoria's voice comes like a plague))..

..::"The Scream Queen" Daffney Unger::..
The poor thing! She knows absolutely nothing!

-- |End Roleplay |--

For your listening pleasure The song you are listening to is (if you can hear it):
Something of my choice o.O
BY THE WAY!...Just for advertisement's sake..
<--Daffney's site

This roleplay was made by the WWEx's Daffney Unger aka Meleza Draven aka Milissa O. Banner made by moi, layout design by moi. Steal it...and I will gladly come after you with a rusty butcher knife. I am in no way affiliated with Daffney/Shannon in any way shape or form. And with all that said an' done, I bid you adieu.