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Welcome to SaNItatION_CoRP! You like? And its all thanks to magitek! Thanks! Well yes, um..., hi! My name is Ida Flores and i'll be your host! (I think....+_+) XD

For those who don't know, this webpage is for pics, layouts, and stuff. (i guess im helpin' out magitek! +_+) Some pocs i have drawn them myself, but since i just started this, you can guess that i don't have them on right now; BUT WILL EVENTUALLY! O_o Well, yea thats pretty much what this webpage is about. ^_^

Um, The reason I did this webpage about pics and stuff is because... okay, do you know how much I have to go through to get good pics?! >:( Its just fusterating! So Im taking my time to sit down, go through misery looking for god damn pics, puttin them on here so you don't have to! Arent i swwweeeeetttt??? Cause Im just the caring person!(not really, if you bug me long enough in person I'll go tell you to hit the road or to go screw yourself.) but hope you enjoy this and email me if you want a certain pic on here.

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Video code provided by Music Video Codes
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z- imaginary for the soul

Whatever you do, DON'T CLICK ON THIS!!!

Cursors by Xquizit_442

My Favorite things about Angelfire.

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
The Place for Friends!
SSSSoooooo CCCCuuuutttteeeee!
Awsome layouts!
