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Finally They Clash

(A Camera comes up in a Room. There are no lights on. Candles lighting the room. In the corner sits Reiver. Reiver His finger tips touching each other. They are resting just under his nose. He appers to be very angry. Reiver slowly raises his eyes to look at the camera. The candles catch his eyes. The glimmer of the candle gives his eyes an apperence of Flames caught in his black eyes.)

Reiver: First things first. I want to address Darrell Music. You got luck you little bitch. You think that this is over. Not by a long shot. I will be in every shadow. I will be in every thought. You are not safe. You shall not get away with that shit. Hell will come for you.

(Reiver stands up and slowly starts pacing the room. He walks over and grabs the chair that he was sitting in. He slowly picks it up. And throws the chair across the room. He looks back at the camera.)

Reiver: Now for tommorow night. Merde finally we shall meet. The two who were about to split the WFW in two during the Claffey area. Well my freind there is no one that can save you. You shall now know why I am the maost dangerous and unperdictable Superstar in the WFW. No running. No hidding. You shall have no help and no support. You are unfourtunatly the person that stands between me and the title. I shall and will totally destroy you. The match that has been building in suppense. This match shall end only when one of us has been rendered uncouncious. You will never be the same. I shall make you feel the rage that is building and ripping and tearing me apart. Merde you will enter that ring tommorow night. I shall enter after you. I will from there start beating you till your blood flows over my hands. I shall splater your blood all over the mat, all over the ref, and all over you. You shall receive the Eternal Spike over and over. I will stop only when you have breathed your last breath. Tommorow is not only the biggest match of my career. But it is also the day I end the career of a legend. So If I were you I would eat you frech fries and french toast. Cause monday your next meal will be from a straw. Merde Its the begin of the end of your career.

(Reiver Kicks over the table that The candles are set on. The room slowly catches fire as Reiver walks out of the room. Reiver turns back to look at the camera. As the room burns Reiver smiles and Throws a picture of Merde into the fire. The camera slowly moves in and focuses on the picture. The picture of Merde Slowly melts into nothingness. Reiver is nowhere to be found. but the echo of his evil laugh hauntes the building as the camera slowly fades to black.)