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This Page Is For My Dark Angel

This page is dedicated to my best friend and life long partner Ms. Dawn Renee King. We met 10/4/02 and started dating on 10/18/02... This woman has changed my life so drastically, (but in a good way), There is nothing that could stand in the way of us... So below are some poetry and pics of me and my Dark angel....

You are my heartbeat. You are my strength. You are the only true love I know. I am yours until the end. You saved me from all of my heartache, You wiped away my tears. You kissed away the bad dreams And blew away my fears. Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve you. To know you is a mystery. To hold you, my one true wish. And to kiss your lips so softly, Oh... YOU are what true love is. Others can’t understand it, How we fell so fast. Showing all the people, That our love overcomes our past. So, now it comes time, To prove this love so true. Test after test, we show others That we’re stronger together, Stronger than we ever knew. You are my other half, The missing link of me. You complete my soul, Like no other can ever be...

Dawn Renee King AKA Kitimara
Johnathon Raven Howlett AKA Jake Jackyl
Till the sun ceases to rise....