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Realm of Fantasy

Welcome to the land...
Where all your dreams will come true...
All your wishes will be granted...
All your wanderlust will be satisfied...

However, war plagues the beautiful and once peaceful
land of majesty. The gods are facing their greatest
challenges as mortal men step up to take their claim
and sit upon the throne of an immortal. War wages every day,
troops are trained in hopes that a few, at most, will
step up and defeat their formidable foes. As the war
continues, the land it ripped, shredded and left to
die. Too busy with saving themselves, the gods are
unable to heal the battered land. For a time, war has
come to a standstill, where both good and evil have
have called an end to this pointless and destructive
war...But as in the past, the peace will not stay,
the treaty will be destroyed and the air will fill
once more with the sounds of steel colliding and the
blood curdling screams of the dying and the wounded.
Will you join us to fight for either side, or will
you join as one of neutrality, and watch from the
sidelines? Don't be fooled by the peaceful silence
that radiates from the land right now. No matter the
peaceful state, good and evil are always plotting
against each other in hopes they will soon stand proud
and claim that victory is theirs. The gods beg you to
help, they do not know how long they can keep the
land from becoming completely obliterated.

Become a Chosen One and join us now in the eternal battle for balance!

Come, Chosen One

Listen to the tunes that are played on the site here!

Bridge of Khazad Dum
My Immortal
Breathe No More
May It Be