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6/28 03. - I LOVE this layout!
What do you think?! I absolutely love it (thanks, Wiltedaisie). I just got off bed, and now I'm sitting here, changing a little bit of the layout. Still love it. But how the fuck am I suppose to make other similar pages?! Like "Profile". How am I suppose to make it appear, right here, where the blog is? Tell me, some wise-webdesigner *lol* I really suck at this.

... I want a .dk domain... free webpages allways suck. Everything suck *lol* I've used that word 20 times in my head the last 30 seconds... Lovely.

I really should practise this alot more... Well, actually, today, I've already learned alot. But i want to know it all. Maybe I should take a Webdesign class. That would really give a kick. Well, Over and far out :)
Sid / Phoenix77

email - tag




"Profile" contains fully detailed me :) anything from full name to favorite place to go is there.
"Favorites" contains lists of favorite movies, songs, places etc.
"Art" contains art of my own. Not paintings and that stuff, but poems, songs and other lyrics.




I Wanna Mohawk (But Mom Won't Let Me Get One)
I may be ten years old but I still know what's up. I wear my Cramps shirt almost every single day. I want to sag my pants. I want to pogo dance, but mom won't let me so I might just run away. I wanna ride my skate. I wanna stay out late. I want a mohawk but mom won't let me get one. I wanna go to shows. Don't wanna pierce my nose. I want a mohawk but mom won't let me get one. I may be in fourth grade, but I know what's going on. I listen to the Misfits almost every single day. Don't want to take a nap. I want a TV tat, but mom won't let me so I might just disobey.
- AFI ... Love them :)