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As you all well know, this site has been many different things.
it has been a site for me to release my frustrations, talk about things you know damn well you dont want to hear about
and a site devoted to me.
Seeing as how I am Tetraskelion, Phantasmagoria, and King of this here webpage,
there will be links to Sweetkiller25 ... (my other webpage) and there will be similarities.
* a page devoted to me, and my insanity
* a page devoted to the beginning of my religion
* a general nothing page
* and linx.

there will be a page about the religion to end all religionous things for me, Urantia
and a link to the Urantia and Jesusonian foundations.

the other half, Wicca, will, too, have its own page, or rather series of pages, and i hope it will stretch to yet another webbuilder.
i continue to hope that Dee, my partner in crime, will help me with this and learn how to use HTML.
**go html!!**
all right. seeing as how you now know the point to this pointlessness, lets get this show on the road!