.:†:.A Place In The Dirt.:†:.

Each and every soul making patterns on the face of this earth, has a past. Be it light, dark, dotted or striped, it's there. And for as long as they go on making patterns, it will forever follow them. For those of you like Faith, this can be somewhat troublesome. Let's talk tabula rasa for a second. Do clean slates actually exist? Can people really start over without prejudice? The answer -however unfortunate - is no. No matter how far you run and how hard you try to shake it off...your past will do the inevitable and that's come back to haunt you. Make no mistake, this non-religious sermon does have a point and that's a persons past can shape their future character. For example, Faith - a highly colorful criminal record, a blackend reputation due to events which shall remain down played for the time being and a childhood which can only be described as tragic. All of the above does result in an extremely violent individual. Let's explore some more examples.....

Task: Take the above example and apply it to a person(s) of your choice. (30% of your overall grade)


We open on a tenebrous, misty evening. Faith sits alone in her hotel room by the window which is ajar. The soft wind blows the curtains gently towards the roof of the lonely room. Raindrops fall upon the window pane and begin they're journey to the bottom. The wind picks up and a slight howling is heard. Rain soaks in through the ajar window and lands on the womans leg. She wipes off the drop and then opens the window further, allowing the wind to sweep her hair behind her shoulders. She closes her eyes and enjoys the breeze. In a life so filled with chaos you have to take these peaceful moments for what they are worth. Faith opens the journal sitting on her lap and puts the pen to the paper and just as she is about to put pen to paper...a violent gust of wind carries Faith's paper across the bedroom. Not bothering to retrive it she looks out of the window. Litter is blown in and out of every corner in the city. Trees shed all leaves which join the litter in it's midnight roll. She looks around the empty room and gets an uneasy feeling about being there alone. Darkness gathers, not just in every corner, but all over the room, filling each inch of space. Only the moonlight prevents the room from falling into total darkness. The wind becomes cold, it blows, biting the back of her neck, chilling her bare arms squinting her eyes, it swirls under her shirt, chaps her lips and burns her cheeks. Her nose turns red, her toes begin to ache. The cold wind freezes her skin, peels her flesh and turns her face into a smile. The winds song becomes louder by the second, it's howls in some strange way puts Faith at ease. She never did enjoy silence. She spent her childhood sitting by a window looking out at her sister and other children play, knowing she could never join them because she was so unlike her sister that her parents were led to believe that anything less than perfect was unacceptable. She grew tired of looking out of her window at such happiness, why should she be happy at a sight like that when she in return would never experience it? So anytime a storm came, it was almost like a movie night to Faith. She'd position herself by the window and watch on in amusement at umbrellas turning inside-out, people chasing hats, getting wet, frowning, roof tiles falling off, electricity lines snapping and flapping around wildly, her sisters terror. It was on those nights that she could look outside her window and not view the happiness of others, she could see a whole other side to them, she could look to her sister and enjoy the fear she witnessed in her pretty eyes. Storms were the universes way of letting Faith have a little payback......which she appreciated. Faith lifts from the floor a bottle of Jack Daniels and takes a few mouth fulls before pulling out another piece of paper and writing some of the many thoughts on her mind this evening......

"We spend about half of our lives in night time. True, that can vary depending on where you live, but it's about right. That's a long time to be afraid. Many children are afraid of the dark. However, I have yet to meet one afraid of the day. That raises a big question of why? There isn't anything there that isn't there during the day, or is there. During night, imaginations go unbridled. The result is often a new reality, so suddenly beasts are under the bed and ghosts in the closet. The prayers don't help either. Should I die before I wake? Boy does that build confidence. I wonder what my sister is doing on this beautiful night. She hated storms when we were growing up....probably still does. I have visions of her laying in bed with the sheets pulled up to her neck, her beedy eyes looking to the window, praying the storm passes. Now there is some comedy. I, myself find storms to be calming. When I was a kid, I used to wish that a huge storm would come and carry my house from Illinois to some unknown land, just like in the 'Wizard of Oz'. A storm gives a place a clean slate. It washes the ground we tread upon, it cleans blood drops from club alleys, it tears down weak houses leaving the strong standing, giving the weak ones a chance to rebuild themselves. It terrifies people, it hurts people, giving them some perspective. A storm is natures purest face. The air is thick right now because the pain I feel is taken in by the sky. Every drip of rain is one tear on a childs pillow and every lighting strike not witnessed is a tear that's kept inside. If I could show the world the beauty of a storm, no man would sleep on a night like this, no child would cry because the sound of the storm would bring some joy to brow-beaten faces. But I'd rather enjoy these nights alone, why should I share my night with the world when it refuses to share it's day with me?"

Faith: HaHa Wintons gonna eat this shit up.

She takes another few mouthfuls from the bottle.

Faith: I don't know...*cough*.....I don't know why I have to keep doin this, how is a journal gonna help me? Least it keeps Dr. Winton off my case blaaaaaaaaah......

She reaches for the bottle again.


The follow morning is a dreary one for Faith who awakes to be greeted by the hangover from hell. Falling from her bed she struggles to her feet and heads for the shower. After removing yesterdays clothes which she had passed out in, she steps into the shower. The water is cold and shocks her skin, causes her to jump back, after adjusting the temperature she returns to it. Flowing down her body, the water washes away last nights stains, both literal and metaphorical. Unable to hold herself up for any long period of time, Faith leans against the wall and slowly slips down it while the water still soaks her.

†....Mental note: invent a form of alcohol that doesn't result in me feeling like shit.....†

Now dry, she walks toward her suitcase and pulls from it a pair of black leather pants and a fitted band shirt. Once she is dressed, she grabs her leather jacket and exits the hotel, where her motorbike awaits her in the parking lot. Straddling the bike, she grips at the handles, starts it up and steers out of the parking lot and onto the open road. As usual she neglects safety and leaves her helmet attached to the back of the bike. The adrenaline junkie inside her just never seems to allow it to do it's job. Having the wind combing her hair was half the excitement of riding. It was the most power she could ever ask for between her legs.

†....Let's see....where to? Hmm could go for a few rounds with the punching bag.....nah hell with that....food, do I want food? shit no, gonna be sick....quick think of something else!!! Sex....damn vibrating bike!! Maybe I should go find out the latest from Shakira and .....what was her name?.....doesn't matter. Hi-Ho Hi-Ho it's off to work I go....I work all day for fuck all pay Hi-Ho Hi-Ho Hi-Ho Hi-Ho....what was the next bit?.....Hi-Ho....Hi-Ho Hi-Ho Hi-Ho! my memory aint worth shit these days. I need to stop drinkin.....here we are!....†

Bringing the bike to a stop, she climbs off and takes a quick walk around the other bikes parked there. Admiring one in particular, she climbs on and manuvers herself back and forth on it, visualizing herself riding it. The fantasy gets boring and off she climbs and makes her way inside. She was keen to find out what had been said about her recently. Her eye falls upon the one person she had encountered...verbally - Jeremy Vines.

Faith: J! Over here! Your in luck again. I'M gonna let YOU do ME a favor. I wanna know the up-to-date smack concerning my match, so....fill me in!

Jeremy does as Faith requests....or should that be orders.

Faith: Hmmm....alright. Send your boy here, by mine in a few.

JV: Will you be requiring my presence?.....uh Faith?

Faiths attention is directioned to a somewhat tall man parading around with a chicken leg in his hand, repeating the term "chicken is good".

Faith: I'm sure I know that drunk from somewhere. Hmm...anyway - no you're not not needed - make yurself scarce.........NOW!..........oh and thanks for the info! you're a bud!

Faith retires to her self-appointed dressing room. She throws her jacket on the couch and climbs upon the window sill, opens it and sits with her legs hanging out. Releasing a sigh she lights up a cig. Just as she is about to take a draw her cell phone rings. It displays "Josh Calling".

Faith: I could have sworn I changed my number.

Josh: You never were a hard one to track down. My Faithy - always leaving a trail. So GWE huh?

Faith: Erm yeah I think that's what this place is called. Either that or JWE I dunno, but you're the one who knows all when it comes to my career so I'll take your word for it.

Josh: Ah, I can tell by your tone you're still angry with me. What rant is it this time Faith? "You always put me in my sisters shadow" that accurate sweety? or are you singing a new song these days?

Faith takes that draw in which her ex-boss/ex-boyfriend interrupted......then exhales while laughing.

Faith: Nah man, that's the track that never ends remember? So to what do I owe the honor of this converse? Did my sister take more time off? Need a ratings boost so you get the evil sister on screen for a while till the good one returns then comes the showdown, ten paces and all? that accurate sweety? or are you singing a new song these days?

Josh: That's the trouble with you Faith....always think the worst, even of the purest of people eg me Josh!

Faith: I'll take 'oxymorons' for $500 Bob. Don't even try that, I've seen how you like to get down baby....gave me a run for my money so don't bring pure into this.

Josh: Damnit Faith! All I ever did was look out for you, care for you, love -

Faith: *cough*

Josh: You're right, nows not the time. The reason I called is that your contract with EWF is not up, you owe us two more months. So I'll be seeing you soon for the, how'd you put it? 'showdown'?

Faith hangs up then turns her phone off.

Faith: Nazi bastard!

The door knocks.

Faith: One thing after another. OPEN!

The camera crew she had requested earlier walks through the door.

Faith: Better late than never. Set up over here, I wanna throw in my two cents...I'll try to be brief. And no close ups, I'm enduring the hangover from hell here.

The man behind the camera signals for her to begin. She flicks the ash from her cig out of the window and leans out to watch it fall before returning to her slouched position by the window. She places her hand on her forehead and begins...

Faith: Today Tommy asked me to marry him, whatever shall I do? For I'm sworn to another man of my fathers choicing, yet my heart belongs to yet another. And as if that wasn't enough...yesterday Timmy fell down the well....my life is just so damn complicated, why me? why this life? why can't it all just be simple? why can't all my big bad problems just float away in a pretty little bubble and leave me and my grandma to live peacefully in a little cottage by the river? Bad things always happen to good, honest, wholesome people like me......*sigh*.....at least I have grandmother. HaHa I could play that part all night. Yip Shakira your life sure is tough, what with all those men wanting to marry you and all that tea and stuff, I'm surprised you aint gray by now. And just when you think your carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders...BAM yet another bomb dropped.....me! And you still haven't realized what your up against have you? No you're too busy drinking tea with grandmother and asking God why he made two men love you, that you haven't given me more than a minutes thought have you? Well hun, I think it's about time you took notice....Wednesday you're in for a crude awakening - I know you've been used to minimum effort, a line here a line there, bit of scrathing, bit of hair pullin....the womens division just stepped up a few hundred levels. You said I don't know the true meaning of GWE.....maybe not, but I do know a thing or two about actual wrestling not the slap n tickle you girls here are used to. I'm not gonna be broadcasting my goodies all over national television, what I will be doing is opening your eyes to the true meaning of wrestling. I'll show just what you shoud be doing to earn your cash, I'll make you sweat definately, bleed most definately and beg for mercy....absolutely!! I'll make you cry out for me to stop, louder than you ever did while your daddy was giving you a goodnight roll in the hay! That's what you got ahead S.....now I bet your thinking about love triangles less....no thanks required. I don't build false confidence sweety...I just know my strengths and I know how to turn any weakness into a strength.....one of my personal favourites has to be exploiting the personals...but you already guessed that. We all got pasts, nasty little secrets....and somehow they just always seem to find their way to the surface. Kinda like your abusive childhood just did. There lies your weakness, bet you still have the nightmares, wake up in a cold sweat screaming......and you know that if you could just get rid of the memories then it'd all be okay....but you never will. You're a victim S....and at Loaded you'll have a brand new abuser in me.

Faith: Of course you won't be alone this time. There will be Alicia. Can't say I really have much of a message for her, like yoursef she has chose to remain dim-witted. At least you gave me a quick mention. I guess I can kinda understand her reasons for remaing silent....it's hard to talk when your mouth is full. Oh well let us all be silent and just sit back and wait....Loaded is just around the corner......I know I'm excited.

The camera fades to black.

.:†:.T B C.:†:.