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My Pics

Well, here are some images i find nifty greek!


That there is the sexiest Bich I ever saw. And i mean the guitar pervs! Its a B.C. Rich Bich that has been painted n shit. It probably sounds like man buns as it has the crappiest pickups i ever saw, next to the ones on my B.C. Rich. That just proves that the company (ha u thought i was gonna say B.C. Rich again) is all about looks rather than sound, which leads to me hating the choice i made to buy one. Speaking of sexy things, heres a woman who u couldnt beat with an ugly forest to maker her unpretty. and here she is again, censored, but not really cuz shes in clothes: Yep, thats the chick from Tears of the Sun and The Matrix Reloaded, damn shes fine.... o anyways! yea moving on

My Sig

Thats my sig, one of the many things i have made fucking around in photoshop (yes i said fuck because its MY FUCKING SITE!) and yea, thats all for that bit.....

A fly by in OFP by the New WW2 Planes

This is my friend Variable doin a really good fly by in a Bf-109, i say really good because he usually doesnt fly so well... lol here is him doin another pass: P.S. If u are wondering why i am The UBER Cracka! thats because i forgot to frickin put my custom face in the damn folder, here is what it was: it looks better on, but it gives u some idea that im not just one white son of a bitch lol.