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Bloody Tears

At the moment this website is under construction. As I progress over the days, months and years (should I still have interest for this by then - well it is my personal website *smacks herself*) this will hopefully contain my artwork, stories, personal muses/rants and my blog. A place on the web that is my own to call it what I wish.

So no one else gets a say in what I place up here, no matter what. If you have a complaint, file it with the Complaints Division of Hell (C.D.H.) and they should get back to you within the next lunar cycle. Just don't be surprised if they should beat you over the head with a large shovel if you do not have any proof to back up your complaint - they hate being taken away from their jobs for nothing.

Why the name Mourning Bloodytears? If its of any interest, I chose the name Mourning as a bit of a change from a nickname I was given. Bloodytears just came to me when I was looking at a picture that I saw once and stayed with me. So two words placed together to form a cohesive I.D. - Mourning Bloodytears.

For the other places that Bloody Tears holds...

Bloody Tears Diary
Information of the Unnatural Sort
Manuscripted Works