I noticed a lot of HATERS wanna hate o n me for beign a goth but they dont understand the minds of us goths. I'MC ALLING TO ALL OF YOU! the linkeminded indudivuals we are... if u wanna contribute to my page with poetry or artwork or something, please seeend me an e-mail. we can form a gothic army hell yea!!! n e wayz email me if ur interested k??

This is my poetry page. my name is Mistress Mayhem im a gothic 14 y/o freshman at Sain't Marys Acadamy in new jersey. This is some poetry that i write. I hope u like it!!!1


My life feels so numb
I am cold and confused...
Can someone hear my cries?
God does not exist
And only hate remains inside
of my tortured soul...

Society is Fucked!

Your society
a reality
sheep and followers
Christians and preps
You're all the same!
and you say i'm the weird one
I am different, I am scary
but the fact is you are afraid
of the truth
that is your end

My Suicide
I slowly take the knife...
The precious blade licks my skin
Like a rabied animal before it's devouring
of the rotten, poisoned flesh
It does not hurt
Like the pain in my heart
And soon I slip away...
Fading.. faded... a mere glimpse of reality
Now dead and gone

Depression is the ultimate sadness
it hurts deep inside
like the pain I try to hide
I cannot keep it secure
I am just a whore


it's a word we use
to describe what we are
Goths are people
with minds of their own
we have dark souls
we are outkasted
We feel the darkness
and know the hurt
we feel because we are left alone
No one undersatand us
but we are one

Thats all I have for now but check back for more!!


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