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Mindy's Lovr Page

My Favorite things about Mindy.

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
go here if u wanna/need 2 chill
wat represents u
lots of games dont get caught

This is for Mindy, the sweetest, nicest and cutest gurl I have ever met. Can't wait to c u again. peace out this website sux no one care ne ways shout outs to: John u sux anis literly look at hilliary, Mandy ur one of my best friends i wish i could c u again, Cj u do the same as john only to him lol j/p, kelly dont kill ur self or billy will do the same even though no 1 care bout him, all my other friends ur not important enough to go on here lol jk but yea c ya 8ters hosers (krista, gracie, ashley, john, paul, cj, chasity, ryan, kelsey, lendsay, mandy, sarah, gabe, amy, and all the others)