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The Dungeons'

Of Gor

This page is a begining the times and life of a slave

The words have not been altered or changed in anyway

these are the writeings of My Slave alika

and soon the writeings of other slaves Master has will be

added to this Site


"Gor is not fair , Gor is not just , Gor just is , remember this !!! "

        New Slave

             Girls Paper on her beginnings & information
Girl was new to Gor and Masters, before March 2003 not having read John Norman's
Novels, about Gor, and not having a Master, girl at that period did not need, girls first
Learnings of Gor weren't much, it was bits and pieces she heard on Rose 3d chat, but did
Not bother, to find out much, what was Gor to her in the 8 months before she came to Master? girl was same as everybody else she didn’t know it so she feared it because it was unknown and what girl had heard, withinside chat, so how did girl come to have a Master? when she did not know what her life would be like? girl was hearing things but
Withinside girl was battling with girlself, was girl meant to be a slave? Was girl free to follow her heart? was girl meant to be gorean? and if girl was meant to be gorean why didn’t she take the steps? all these questions bothered her much in the 8 months and girl spoke to many people, slaves Masters, but girl could not make such big decisions of the bat
With out, thinking it out and dealing with it herself first would she be capable of Making decisions,
March 2003 girl did , and had a new Master who accepted her even she knew nothing of Gor, ai girl became a ko’lared slave To: Lord Marcus he became her teacher and trainer
It is what girl has learned from him,that she wishes to pass along tips and hints that girl learned, to enable others to use as a refrence,before they approach their new Master, not knowing how to approach how to enter, how to speak, and how to obey commands, but
Most and by far the important one,to respect him and give him honour, obedience, and
Submission, girl hopes these tips will help they are what girl learnt:

    Tips:Notes by slavegirl alika

1) Master is Master,you have been ko’lared by him you are his to do with as he pleases
he will expect much of you,you will serve his needs no matter what they are,weather it
be sexual or a command to serve him,or he gives you chores to do he expects them done straight
away not half an hour, later,Never say No to a Master,nor question his reasons for doing things,
2) when you become his slave,you are not free to make decisions or tell Master what to do
master makes the decisions,reguarding you,you must give full obedience and submission
to him,your life is a set one to love honour and OBEY,not doing is punishable by Master
your life is to love him,pleasure him to give totally of your body to his keeping,if he chooses to
 take you in any way do not refuse him,the totality of all of it is you are his
his property,his treasures and with his property and treasures he can do with as he sees fit.
3) If you are like this one was,non gorean and not knowing of it nor the books a
suggestion before you approach a Master or he you,learn the positions before
Karta,tower, and nadus are the first important ones to know for when Master gives you permission to enter,
never never stand as equal but lower than Master he may choose to tell you to nadus
 DO SO STRAIGHT AWAY its up to Master to tell you which position he prefers you to take in his presence,
never never walk up to him and greet by handshake
You are a slave,and not the same standards as a Master.
4)Learn all postions,and be able to do them,will list a few here:bara,belly,table,lead leasha,
sulaki,sula,ko’lar,bracelets, there are more ,all this info and positions can be found on
Lord Marcus,s site
This site will help you to get started,another site giving you much info on Gor and its
Ways and cultures is all the Master requires of you as slave this site has
 an index and Many scrolls,and essays by Lord Marcus bot these sites helped girl to learn quickly,and gave her much
 valuable info for study girl suggests if it’s a first time
Please go through these sites.
5)Training for the silks: white,yellow,and redsilks (Pleasure slave) for these you need to prepare well,and study,
for these have tests and only after Master takes you through
the tests, do you recive them if sucessful, the end result kajira ~RS Pleasure slave no test
is easy,so girl must prepare for each one,the above sites will help on that, much if you stydy them.
6)There are two types of slaves,lower caste,or kajira (higher caste)lower caste slaves are field or
servery slaves in other words they do the menial work and never rise to kajira status,the end results
after doing all tests for all silks can give you the higest,reward
the Redsilks Pleasure slave much sought after,by Many Masters .
7)When you are in Masters presence and are in postion nadus or tower whatever postion Master has ordered,
Make sure you greet Master always before any other guests that enters Masters presence,do not rise to greet others,
you are a slave,and can only greet verbally,depending on Master,you may also be restricted as this girl is, so you ask
Master for permission always before greeting others do not greet by handshake, if Master gives you permission to greet,
then it goes this way, Males that enter Masters presence are seen as Masters, if they choose not to be greeted as Master
get permission from Master to speak he grants it, then if you are unsure of how to greet this person ask Master,
always if unsure approach Master the correct way so you honour Master,and honour the male that wishes not to
be called Master as sometimes it happens, but by enlarge most Males that enter, are greeted as Masters,then Mistresses,
then Freepersons, then your sis,s last of all
if you have gorean Master as this one has, then protocol is top priorty,nothing less than a perfect greeting that satisfies all,
and honours Masters house,
8) Remember Gor is Male Dominated, where females are slaves,and the Males are the Masters their words and laws,is top priorty,
online and in real when you are ko’lared and branded, and listed in the slave registration as this one is then you are theirs  girl will
 give example: alika is in slave register online,girl obeys and submits to her Master in all things online, in real girl has Masters brand,
girl wears Masters ko’lar in rose 3d chat and wears Masters ko’lar in real and Master,s ring girl is owned by Master in both real and
online,girl is also restricted in real and online,
9) remember Gor is not just,Gor is not fair,Gor just is Gor is harsh,it is not an easy life
but if girl does follow the rules and obeys and submitts fully to Master obeys the protocol
Master wishes her to keep,girls life is one of much Love and caring from Master
Master/slave relationship can be so very beautiful once girl realises girl is a slave and bound to her Master,
girl can get rid of all the inibitions she has reguarding sex or if girl
Has held back because of painful experiences and is afraid,
10) A lot of women before becoming slave,have had relationships with men,many hurt and
close their feelings of love and expressions,and wanting to make love off this is understandable,
and girl understands it,and it is hard for a Master to show them that not
all is bad, and can really be beautiful and have more meaning,a Master has to take down their barriers,
and let them see that they can trust him so a Masters lot is not an easy one
he has to first fix the damage to be able to let that slave express herself in her words,her heart and her emotions,

this one hopes this has helped many new ones, that are choosing gor or want to know more of it,
most of all here girl learnt,and new ones like this one,now have a quick guide
that they can refer to and two sites which will help much but before this one finishes
girl will speak a little,in general of how it can be with time and hurt and pain eased
and trust and love is gained
see  below *smiles*

Picture this a girl hurt no trust,her belief in love gone,feeling used,hurt and in pain closeing,
the door to being loved truly,for how can you trust being hurt by words
Your feelings and emotions gone,your heart cold,then you see this girl as Master
Saw her alone in her house,this was the girl he choosed,this was the girl he said to
Her these words:Come home mine to your Homestone,within girl cryingnobody had
Spoken firm like a Master yet the words coming from his heart..
Girl came to her homestone,her head lowered not knowing how to act,
girl became ko’lared to her Master eventually girl started to become a women
passionate her trust fully in her
Master,knowing a true Love,the freedom to let herself express herself in a beautiful way
To dance,with a beauty and grace,sensually,to be free with her love to laugh, to sing
To show her zest for life,to give all her beautiful love to only her beautiful Master to
Express her love fully in her dance come to him that valued her and loved her for her
To be a valued beautiful Gorean slave wife treasured by him,who brought her to life
For him she would die herself,Gor is not easy but a slave is loved and treasured by her Master,
as this one treasures and loves her Master,life was before Master,at an end but
Now the most beautiful world she sees,the world around us in real has much heartache
Divorces,children abused, families destroyed,but with Gor standards,and honour codes
Make Gor a better world to live it in real is to live with honour and love and codes that don’t
hurt but help each other once girl accepts being slave only then can she live and live
She does,acceptance of who girl is a slave,and accept her Master and his rules and laws
Her obidence and total submission,then she is free of the pressures,and strife in real
And dwell on her Masters Love and needs,then girl is FREE TO BE WHO GIRL IS
Owned and Loved very much by her Master for always only to be parted by death

                      Here girl kneels ,her long slender
                         Arms streched out her wrists
                        Together,her Master before her
                       His face hard,his eyes of steel
                      His legs apart,a warrior is he
                       She waits,bound full of  fear
                       For it must be done,
                      Ko’lared she will be a slave to
                     Him who took her captive
                     Girl you are mine,my
                    Property,you will obey
                   All my commands,
                    And submitt to Me
                       Ai Master girl whispered
                     For girl was now ko’lared and
                    Bound,her life not as she knew it
                    Running through fields laying in
                   The grass.
                  She ran to get away from being captured
                 Master caught her,bound her now
                      Ko’lared and a slave to please
                  Master,in all things her life not hers
                  She was owned a property,
                 Her acceptance of it in this ko’laring
                 Now she was Masters and the City of
                 New Ar and Gor
                As she knelt her destiny decided
               She cried for her lost girl hood
              Her way of life
              A new one to begin,her life
              Was Her Masters forever

            Lady alika..






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