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Welcome one and all to the world of the MAD MOSHER. ....I was born on April 2, 1986. I am about 6'tall and my current weight and rising is 186 lbs. I am currently playing in two local bands. First one is RAVAD. This band consists of me, Andy Bibb, Josh Bibb, David Baker, and Harley Baker. We are a pure punk rock band with a little metal added along the way. My other band is called SPAZ. It consists of me, Herbie Clifford, and Steve Balint. It is a hardcore metal band. Very different from RAVAD. I am in the 11th grade at boring ass South Central Highschool. I hate school just as much as I hate preppy ass bitches. My goal in life is to make it big in the music business, smoke as much weed as possible, and kill all preppy bitch boys. I am currently in a relationship with Nicky. I love her very much. She is a bid goth so shes got to be cool. Read on to the bottom for some of my quotes that i have said along the years.... " In 1970, when Jimi Hendrix died, made people realize that the powerful music of the 60's were over but not dead." "Life is like a roller coaster. If you ride it enough times you will get used to it." " Music is like the ocean. No matter how much trash you throw at it, it will never die." " If i knew the world will be full of preps then I would end it all right now." Visit again sometime to read more. I will update this site as much as possible. Thats it for now. Come back soon and there will be more. If you want to read some of my poetry please go to joshs website. click the link at the bottom and go to his site. Click under homies then click poet by the name jacob. There you will find my poetry.



Mx Tabs
Herbies web site
Snapdragon Expressway
Musician Friend
Tha Carnival(awesome Juggelete pics)
Joshs website
