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Realm Of The Dead - Castle SilverFury

My Lady Night, do you wait for me. Lady Night do you miss me so? The moon is more vibrant this night that I feel your blessed presence even when I lift this silver crested blade in my hands to the dark abyss. How I long to watch the thick ruby caressed liquid of my life run down this blade for you, Lady Night. Please come to me. A mist of silver surrounds my form like a ghostly embrace revealing to me that you are near. ~Welcome to the family that has dominated the Oracles of Life and Death. The SilverFury family. Please enjoy your stay with us. Do not be frightened with our strange ways for we do seek the pleasure of your company.

WARNING: The pictures illustrated throughout this website do NOT belong to me. I am simply borrowing them. The credit of the art go directly to the mulit-artist within these pages. However, the storylines and information are COMPLETELY mine.

Enter At Your Own Risk

Raven SilverFury - The Mother of all Dark Angels
Azriel Death - The Father of all Dark Angels
Jesaryn (First born)
Merrick (Second born)
Alex (Third born)
Kai (Fourth born)
Members of the SilverFury I
THE VAULT -Secondary Nightmare