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My PIctures Page

Greetings fellow goths and associates. I've let them in, walls surround, closing in. Can you see it? The knife, in my back, from all of you. Can you see it? The blood tells all. I love you. She said .I'll always love you. Never your side shall i leave, never forget you i shall. I shan't ever be away whilst you need. I need you now I say, t'was all for naught you drifted away. Never to hear my cries, my scream of fears, my sobs of tears, my futile tries. They've come for me, my soulless vessel, my cold heart, my uncaring, unforgiving, 'cruel' mind. They've come. They try, try to change make me one of them. One of the numerous mindless societal members. I destroy them, kill them all as they come. We're born with a heart, a mind, a soul. So they say. We're should treasure life, our life, and others'. So they say. Nay to you, I say. Born with a heart cold as ice, a mind of blood, a soul of death. Walls crumbling, defenses waning, barriers breaking, blood boiling. Tis my head. I've granted you trust. You grew colder my heart, chilled my blood further. You granted me false hope. You death consumes, my every thought. My love misplaced, misgiven, misthought. The hope i once had gone, destroyed, dead, as are you. You're eyes haunt me the look as your life went away.
