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Supermans Dead

Where To Go


Likes And Dislikes

The Pets



And Finally, Tommys Site

My Happy Little Corner

Updates:April 9th: Haven't updated in a long time, well last friday, the 4th, me n tommy spents our two year aniv together! two years seems to fly by when youre a monkey and a bear.
Got my report card back, a 3.0 exactly, and i still cant figure out why im not getting my bag of candy! hmmm, we(the art club) are also making a giant mural of a cow in a field doing other things, thats going to be up at the california state fair. Pretty much the whole clubs pitching in, 'cept for a few losers who just sit there and dont do shit, damn, not even the president helps out!! i think stupid kids like them need to be voted off the island.
On a brighted note, i got my color pikachu toy today, i like having a little friend around. eBays the best thing ever invented, ive got a bunch of afi pins, a cc cd, the toy, a coal chamber poster, a tongue ring, a curious george lunch box and finally a mp3 player from there!!!
(February 25th,03') Today I placed second in the art contest for photography(missed first by one vote).First place was a really good photo, and the third place won by default, meaning that they had to give someone third place, so why not toss it the losers way? (February Tenth, '03) Todays My Birthday! 17 and still counting

Hi There, If your here, I Either "Accidently" gave you the link or you're one of those ninja monkey who want to destroy me so bad....

This Place Contains Information That Is No Use To You , Unless You're A Ninja Monkey. This is just my project to keep me busy while I wait for my baby capachino monkey to arrive....*sits down* this may take a while, so bear with.

Some Things about me, Im 16, Turning 17 in February. I Got the greatest boyfriend (who you can read about over there *points to the left*). I've really improved in school, as in getting almost strait A' close....but not that close..Hmmm... Recently, I dyed my hair red for the hell of it, I needed a change. During Spring Break this year, Im going with one of my favorite teachers Ms Fishie and a few other kids to Parris and London for a week....i cant wait.

Another Thing Is That I Love Monkeys, Penguins, And baby animals, so don't be suprised if a picture of something like that pops out of no where.