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Welcome to the Bio 1123 Recitation Site

For Deemah Schirf's class 

As taught by Rachael





Review Material





Updated: 30 April 2004-Home and Handouts

Okaaaaaaay, here's what's going on: I did get a copy of chapter 36, but unfortunately, it's a printed copy, and that's not going to do anyone any good. But from what I understand, it may or may not be posted on WebCT---here's where all of you come in: harass Greg for it. But, on the bright side, here are the mock exams from this semester and a few other handouts. That should compensate. So, it's been fun. Good luck on the final, and for those who asked, the pictures of the baby will be posted when I have her (in about 8 weeks). Whew.

P.S. Don't stop by the office to see me, I won't be in---I've been evicted for the summer!

Updated: 18 February 2004- Home and information page.

I understand that there was a bit of a misconception about where the handouts can be found: First of all, handouts typically are never posted on the internet unless there is good reason (e.g. the copier is down and it's review time). So if the handouts are not online, why in the hell would I put them on WebCT? Second of all, handouts can only be obtained by attending recitation. Sorry, I can't make copies for all of you. Besides, having a sheet of paper doesn't tell you anything, and you really can't learn much from it on its own--I fill in the gaps that help you understand what that handout says. Handouts aren't magic, they don't guarentee good grades--hard work does. So if you really need to see me, I'm availible during my office hours, or see Greg or Deemah to set up an appointment (I usually make time for all of you, so I expect the same), I will respond promptly. Thank you.

MOre to come later!

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