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Sometimes I see the devil's eyes
He speaks to me, he tell's me lies
He tell's me I should hate and kill
Stab at you till your blood spills
He said I should smile as you die
He said I should laugh if you cry
No matter how much they beg and pleed

He said they never loved me ,so why show sympathy
He told me to never care, to cut there heart just rip & tear
He said the wourld is just a game, my life dosen't get better it stays the same
I used to think he just told lies
but now I dont,and neather would you if you looked at my life through our eyes

My World


friends how can u tell if u really have friends a friend is someone who is always there for you no matter what.a friend tells no one your secreats.a friens is hard to find so if you have friend like this bee good to them.

love what is love dose anybody is when your with someone you forget all your problems.when your in love you would never think about cheating on your lover.

rose's are red violet are green
everyone's felt love except me


is love a lie,or can love be true?
could i be lying when i say i love you

howcan i teel when love is real?
is love something you actually feel?

can you really love someone with all your heart?
or is it love that tears people apart?

is love something you find,or dose love find you?
is love something you feel or something you do?

dose love end with death or is it steel there?
is love something you keep or something you shear?

when i met you all those qustions were found.
i knew without a word, i knew without a sound.

love is not something you see , love is not something you hold.
love is in the heart, love is in the soul.

you grab love with your mind and hold it in side.
you can't escape love no matter how hard you try.

true love is not decite, and true love is not lies.
true love can be lost, but love can't be denied.

now i know how special love is,love is not something
you can simpley dismiss.

now i understand love can be true.
i know that now cause i truly love you. now she goes out with the person i tholt was my bestfriend.
