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Robin Is Beautiful

My Favorite things about Robin

My Weblog Dedicated To Robin

My Robin Weblog

I’m floating through air, high in the sky Watching my life down below. A passing blur, time stands still. Moments become decades and then… I’m at the cinemas. Life is strip of film, a series of pictures, Flashing upon a big white screen. I have no popcorn, only a remote, But who brings a remote to the movies anyway? I can’t change the channel if I don’t like what I see, But life’s pretty good, generally. So I’m sitting back, and looking up at the sky, And I see myself wafting on by, I wave, I wave back, And I fly away from the theater and take this new perspective of life. I fly behind a cloud, and suddenly I can’t see in front of me, Only behind, and that is quite foggy. This is what life is really like. A storm is brewing, but I see it coming, and I fly straight up and away. I look down on the black clouds below And I realize how lucky I was to avoid them But from here all I can see below me Is the blackness of those darkening wisps. Where is the countryside, the rolling hills, the rivers and streams, That I loved to fly above so often. I take a deep breath, and pull up my hood, And dive down below the clouds. There’s thunder and lightning and torrents of rain, But the cool aqueous daggers don’t hurt, They refresh me, And wake me from my slumber of complacency. The streaks of white strike through the land, And I twirl and flip and laugh at the sounds And shapes that I see while flying in the center of it all. As slowly as it started, it moves away, haunting the life of someone else, But having seen the rain face to face, I know that life is worth living. --A Poem By Robin--