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Hey ya, There!

Welcome to Erica's protfolio page.

Last updated-29/7/04


~ For the past 3 years I have spent all of my time working on my fashion course in LaSalle College. I have learned a lot from here; especially I have participated in 3 fashion shows. Which really make me feel the power of fashion. I enjoyed the time I have been like a workaholic.

~過去的三年, 我把我大部份的時間都投入在我的學校Lasalle College的服裝設計課業上,我從這裡學到了很多,特別是我參加了三次的服裝展,更是令我感覺到服裝的魅力。而我也非常享受的我曾經像工作狂一樣。

I am graduated now!!

but I miss my school, and thanks to all of my teachers, especially to Dini and Diaz....... and Oscar!! : p

我想念我的學校,也謝謝所有曾教過我的老師, 特別感謝Dini,Diaz和Oscar.

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Link to "Fashion shows"

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