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Hide your DNA and keep your kids' eyes covered. Hybrids are taking over.

An experiment in technology gone grotesquely wrong.
Hey! Watch where you're going! If you clicked on the wrong site or typed in the wrong address and want to know how to get out of this hellhole you dropped into, click the back button asshole! Now, for all of you who want to stay, have a look-see around. I don't think anything will bite- well, hard that is.

So this is me, for now you can call me the Darkling Kiote. I will be your tour guide around Hell. It's not what you expected is it? Well get used to it.
First off there's the Home page. For any of you sharp crayons out there yes, you’re on it.

Next there’s the about us page, but actually It’s about me. I made this page alone so there isn’t any us to talk about.

Then there’s the feedback. No, I’m not talking about scoff you idiots, pay attention. Feed back not Feed-bag. Feed-BACK. Yes you have the liberty of writing me if you visit my page. Oh, and no flames please. Hell has too many of those so they go right into file 404- I don’t even read them. Got it Einstein?

What the hell contact page is doing on my page, shit if I know. Isn’t that the place where you send me a link to your page and I paste it up there or something? Whatever…

Finally there’s a God- forbidden photo gallery. Actually there are no photos at all in it so why the hell they call it that I DON’T KNOW. This is where you can find fun stuff like wallpapers, pictures and sounds. All the miscellaneous stuff. I should go throw myself into it…
Yeah, so this is my humble hole-in-the-net. You can stop reading now. Okay, it’s over… Stop, stop reading!

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AAAAK! (It explains itself)
This is pretty cool, but still under construction. I can't wait until its finished.
I wish I had a site like this. It's pretty sweet. Pick one- any one,