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Muse Seeks Baltimore Band

Thank you to Greg and the members of sublux for allowing me to use their music to get my voice out to the world. 

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Music by Sublux, Lyrics Stephanie Bjork "hippyscarlet"

What is behind your eyes

That pulls me and draws me to you

Why do I yearn to be with you

Not knowing how your feelings flow

It’s disillusion 

Do you think of me?

 do I distract you

Momentarily <

Because you’re haunting me,

And I’m hanging on

(spoken) Feeling each breath  

Why do I yearn to be with you

Haunted by your insincerity <quiet, soulfully>

And I’m hanging on

For the thread you’ll throw me

I’m at your feet again

Why <hold out slightly> have I fallen again?

To this disillusion


For the shred you’ll throw me <

At your feet again  <

Why have I fallen here again?

This place, <held out>





Why do I yearn?

Why so much pain

Not knowing how your feelings flow 

What is behind your eyes?

And do you think of me

I’m at your feet


And your insincerity 

It’s disillusion

It’s disillusion 

Do you think of me, do I distract you

Even momentarily

You’re haunting me with your words

And I’m hanging on

Feeling each breath within me building in my Anticipation,

I’m alone <held out> again



Happiness is gone…