My Life


I am a quiet poet of sorts. I go to high school, write poetry and short stories, and recently completed a novella. Now then, I made this web-site to showcase my poetry, allow people to get to know me a little better, and generally to cure some boredom on a Sunday afternoon. Now then, the links to the left of this block of text lead to other pages as poorly made as this one, but with much better content, as the links are self explanatory, I don't think I need to explain them, but you never know. First and foremost, is News, now I don't know if it makes sense to have a page of new on a personal site, but I figure if you are interested in me as a writer, you would probably like to know what's going on. The link labeled poetry is a page complied of my various poems, most of which aren't really poems, but more like rhyming free writes, or even rap songs. Under that is friends, I do have a few, though they are sparse and far spread. Philosophy is just that, my views on life, some people find humor in them, some find truth, who knows, and under that is Stories, novellas, short stories, or things of that nature, I do eventually plan to write a novel, but, not yet.

Feel the embrace.

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