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For the Disbeliever

Title: For The Disbeliever

Author: missianne, Missi_Young

Archived: Here and my Yahoo!Group eventually. You can archive it, just let me know.

Summary: Absolutely AU, HP/Hanson crossover. Avery Hanson is a witch, who receives her Hogwarts letter the same day Harry Potter turns 17. How convenient is it that the Hanson family now lives at #23 Privet Drive?

Rating: NC-17

Pairings: Harry/Ike, Taylor/Ginny, Neville/Zac, Ron/Hermione, other background pairings.

Feedback: Will whore Harry for feedback. *grin* email it to ConCrit and suggestions also appreciated. Flames will be posted everywhere I end up archiving this and mocked. I will include your email addy. Please make the subject line "Feedback for FTD" Please include any major misspellings so that I may repair them.

Characters: Everyone I can think of and several I make up. You wanna be Mary Sue-ed or Gary Stu-ed let me know! (you can't have the boys, tho. I'll pair you in background)

Beta’s: Not at all!

Warnings: Explicit Slash, mentions of het (non-graphic, cause I can't write het), AU, Crossover, I will be taking liberties with ages, birth dates, middle names, etc. If anything else comes up I'll add it then. I know of no such thing as HBP... *twiddles thumbs innocently* I am not in any way Jesus-bashing, just so you know. For the purposes of this story Christianity will be mocked harshly-please, I beg of you, do not be offended. This is fanfiction. FICTION being the operative word. I know Christianity, I respect the religion, this is not a religion-based fic, but it does get mentioned quite a bit in the beginning and periodically throughout. I apologize for any offense taken, please know that it wasn't meant. I am American, and so are Hanson, so there will be Americanisms.

Author Notes: New to html, and still can't do page linking so this will all be one page. Just updated sometimes. If you want to be on a mailing list let me know. I'm thinking of starting one through my Yahoo!Group. Those dolls *points to top of page* came from I really like them! *beams* Not all Christians are narrow-minded, so the Hanson's aren't in my twisted sense of reality.

Disclaimer: (This would be where the “I don’t own the HPverse or the Hansonverse and make no money off this” would go. I also don't know anyone.)

CHAPTER ONE: The Move, and Meeting Harry Potter

While Harry Potter was spending his sixth year Yule trying to figure out the latest Riddle riddle and the Dursley family was over-eating and spoiling their spawn, the Hanson family was unpacking the last boxes from their move. It was discovered that their dream of owning their own studio would be much more cost-effective if based in England. That decided, the entire family chose to pack up and move. They found the perfect house at #23 Privet Dr., Little Whinging, Surrey.

**AN DEN**

Mrs. Dursley considered Mrs. Hanson, who lived just down the street and across (Privet Drive had 15 houses per street side per block), to be a great friend. She relished the time she could spend with the woman who so embraced normalcy that she refused to allow her children to attend public schooling.

Mrs. Hanson considered Mrs. Dursley to be a pompous, prejudiced, overbearing nuisance who was to be endured with sweetness and grace. After all, it wouldn't be very neighborly to smack the woman every time she said something objectionable. However, when Mrs. Dursley began saying such horrible things about her nephew two weeks before the boy was to come home, she felt she had to say something. After all, as a Christian the least she could do for this poor boy would be to help him find the path of the Lord (and count the silver after the boy left-he was a criminal, after all).

**AN DEN**

When Harry got home, he was told that he would be free all summer, and be allowed to do his schoolwork. The catch was that for two hours every day he would be taking bible study with Mrs. Hanson and her children down at #23. When Harry heard this he almost choked. His History of Magic summer essay was on Joshua of Bethlehem, the very first Dark Lord on record. Joshua of Bethlehem, who called himself Jesus Christ. His essay assignment was to read the New Testament and identify the possible spells and potions used to perform each of Joshua's 'miracles'. This was just too easy.

**AN DEN**

Isaac Hanson was intrigued by Harry Potter. The black-haired boy had been visiting for two weeks and certainly didn't act like an incurable criminal. He was polite and well mannered. He always helped clean up after Bibly Study. He took lots of notes and asked good questions. When he left he always thanked the family for allowing him to sit in on the class and for answering his questions. He then took his messenger bag and went to the park a few streets over and sat in a tree-always the same tree, where he wrote in a different notebook. Strangers would come from nowhere and talk to him, sometimes giving him food or notes before they would disappear again, walking into alleyways and never coming out. Sometimes a beautiful white owl would sit with him. The first time Harry sat in a tree talking to a dark grey and silver cat with square markings around it's eyes, Ike decided to talk to him (having never said more than 'hello' or 'goodbye' or other short phrases in response to a situation).

"That's a beautiful cat. I didn't know you had one. What's his name?"

Isaac know he was gay. His family knew he was gay (and always tried to set him up with people), his friends knew he was gay-everyone knew! If he'd had any doubts at all, they would have been vaporized the moment Harry looked up from the cat and smiled at him. Ike felt his heart race, his palms sweat. He was hit with one of those instant cruses reserved for school girls and boys who have their first cute teacher. It took everything he had to concentrate on Harry's answer.

"Thank you. She's not mine, she's just visiting. Her name's Professor McGonagall."

"That's a strange name for a cat. Who does she belong to?"

"She doesn't belong to anyone. And it would be rude of me to call her by her first name."

Ike wasn't sure how to answer that rather odd statement, so he just nodded and refrained from petting the cat, which he would have done normally. Especially since to do so would have meant reaching across Harry. Desperate to continue this conversation, he asked a question he'd heard his siblings debating a week previously.

"Why do you always sit in this tree?"

"It's a very nice tree-no ivy or moss, so it's not slippery, and the bark's not too rough. When I leave your house I don't always intend to sit in a tree, but it generally just ends up being a very nice day to sit in a tree."

Harry looked like he would have continued but the cat started making odd hacking/gagging noises that, if Isaac believed in such things, could have been mistaken for laughter.

Apparently Harry believed in such things because he looked faintly amused, turned to the cat, and said, "May I help you?" The cat let out a decidedly amused "Meow", butted her head against Harry's arm, jumped out of the tree, and took off down the street. Ike decided the moment was broken and said good-bye, turning towards home.

**AN DEN**

Throughout the rest of June and all of July Ike would talk to Harry at least twice a week while he sat in his tree. Harry told Ike that he was doing an essay on the beginnings of Christianity and the political climate of the time for History. Ike tried to answer lingering questions Harry had and blushingly agreed to be sited as a source. (When the Hanson family found out about the essay they got very excited and helped him scour their books and magazines, even going so far as to have their Minister sit in on a couple of classes and help answer a surprisingly enthusiastic Harry's questions.)

One day, after the now comfortably teasing, "Good day for trees?" Harry decided to prove his point by jumping from his perch and hoisting Isaac (who was easily half a foot taller) into it. Ike had to agree-it was a very nice tree. The uncommonly beautiful weather made it the perfect place to sit.

Two days before Harry's 17th birthday-not that Isaac knew it was nearly Harry's birthday-Ike stood leaning against the tree, talking to Harry about his music. (His family had been both amused and relieved-and only slightly insulted-that Harry had no idea who they were.) Harry, who was by now well loved by the Hanson family, was very interested in music. The first time he'd heard their CD he'd been so excited by it he'd been practically bouncing in his seat. Since that day Miss Diana (who despaired of ever getting Harry to drop honorifics of any sort) had been teaching Harry piano twice a week, since most of her own children knew as much as she did. Now, Isaac would use Harry as a sounding board for problems he was having with his music, as he was doing this day.

They were so involved in their conversation, in fact, that when one of the people who spoke to Harry occasionally-and Isaac had yet to meet, but had heard from Harry were helping clear up some legal matter with a misprint in his parents will-walked up they were both taken by surprise. At the polite cough, Ike jumped (Harry nearly fell from the tree, but grabbed a nearby branch to steady himself) and spun around. The slightly graying man standing there gave a polite smile.

"Is Harry receiving visitors today?"

"Moony, you great prat, I nearly fell! Of course I want to see you! Isaac Hanson, may I introduce you to Professor Remus Jehusaphat Lupin, world class Marauder and one of the Werewolves of London, affectionately known as Moony. Moony, may I present to you Clarke Isaac Hanson, world famous musician, also known as Isaac but affectionately known as Ike, guitarist from the Pop sensation Hanson."

Remus had heard from Harry all about the explanations he'd given to cover slips of his tongue while talking with Isaac, whom Harry had a huge crush on. Judging by the dishwater blond's blush, he'd believed when Harry explained that the Werewolves were a group of bisexual men and women who met once a month to perform obsessive amounts of oral sex on one another. The entire Order had roared with laughter when Remus had told them Harry'd used that as a cover story. Even Severus had let loose and laughed himself silly. Only Harry could get away with it, too.

Ike was used to Harry saying odd things by now, so he didn't even blink when Harry called Moony a 'world class Marauder', despite not knowing what in the world it meant. He blushed when he remembered Harry's explanation of the Werewolves, and would swear later as he wrote about the encounter in his 'Harry Journal' that his heart fluttered when Harry used the word affectionately when describing him, Isaac Hanson!

Remus and Ike shook hands and exchanged 'nice to meet you's' while Harry looked on, smiling. Once the pleasantries were out of the way Remus turned to Harry with a thick folder of papers. He quickly explained that the misprint stood, Harry would be emancipated as of midnight the day his 17th birthday began-as opposed to midnight when it ended, which is what Albus had pushed for (making Harry spend his birthday with the Dursley's)-and the reason it had taken so long to get the info to him after the 'court decision a month ago' was that they were making certain that several of his new properties were inhabitable. Remus knew that Harry wanted to move immediately. He watched Harry thumb through the 'official documents' quickly (and they would appear that way to any Muggle, even standing up in court) and knew the instant Harry found the single sheet of parchment mixed in.

Mr. Potter,

As you know, you will be of age to perform magic at midnight as the day becomes 31 July.

A Miss Avery Hanson, with whom I am told you are acquainted, will receive an invitation to Hogwarts
on that day with the morning post at precisely 7:58 a.m. Because you have taken your N.E.W.T.
exams and consented to become the newest Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor (effective immediately upon
receipt of your Sixth-to-Seventh Year Summer Assignments, which have been arranged for pickup on 1 August by Severus Snape
at the Clubhouse) I ask of you my first favor in your capacity as a Hogwarts Professor. I ask that you act as Hogwarts Liaison with the
Hanson family, answering any questions they might have and proving the existence of Magic by demonstrating
your own. You would also be responsible for escorting the family to Diagon Alley. I look forward
to seeing you, and remind you to remain cautious. Tom Riddle may be gravely injured (still, according
to our sources) but he is not yet dead.

Please give a verbal answer-you are not obligated to agree, if it is your desire to be quit of Privet Drive at the earliest possible moment-to
Remus Lupin, in a code he might understand. I must commend you of your ingenuity when correcting your misspeakings. We have been
most amused by some of the explanations that have reached our ears. Minerva would like
to know if you've asked that nice young man out yet?

Albus Dumbledore
P.S.-I remind you that this cannot be spoken of
until Miss Hanson receives her letter.

It took everything Harry had in him not to burst into laughter or cry in embarrassment. He didn't quite succeed in not blushing, however. Buying time, Harry finished glancing through the papers before looking up to smile at Remus.

"Looks great! Thanks, Moony! Would you tell Al that I'd come see him on my birthday, but I plan to have my essay finished in two days and I wanted to show it to the Hanson's since they helped me with it so much? I'll come see him on the first."

Remus nearly choked hearing Harry refer to the Headmaster as 'Al', but agreed to pass on the message that Harry would Liaison, not missing the look of panic that crossed Isaac's face. Not entirely certain what caused it, but guessing (correctly) that it was hearing how near it was to Harry's birthday, Remus said his farewells, giving Harry a short hug that was made only slightly awkward by the young man's position in the tree. With that, Remus wandered toward the alley anticipating the look on the old man's face when he found out Harry'd called him Al. Hearing Harry call his name, Remus turned.

"Not that it's any of his business, but you can tell him that no, I haven't."

Now truly confused, Remus sent Harry a smile and continued on his way.

After Remus disappeared down the alley Isaac turned to Harry.

"Why didn't you tell us that your birthday was two days away? We don't have much time now!"

Harry just smiled and said, "I don't really celebrate my birthday. Plus, I didn't know what was going to be going on with all of this." Harry lifted the folder of papers as a visual aid and Isaac nodded, thinking As soon as I tell Mom, we'll come up with a plan. I bet the Dursley's aren't doing anything for it anyway. Suddenly a horrible thought struck him.

"You're moving on your birthday!"

Harry gave him a look that clearly stated you've gone crazy, or are a little slow and said, "Well yeah, but not until I've come to see you lot first!"

CHAPTER TWO: Harry's birthday, Avery's a Witch, Evil Essays, and Siren Magic

As the cheap alarm clock flashed to midnight a great rumbling was heard through #4 Privet Dr. Harry had plenty of time to register that it was his Uncle Vernon charging up the stairs, gather his belongings and use his first legal magic-a shrinking charm, followed by a featherweight charm. Harry stuck the thimble sized trunk (cage already at Hogwarts with Hedwig and Hagrid) and toothpick sized broom into his pocket before his Uncle opened the door.

"It's midnight. You freaks are legal when you turn 17, so get out."

Harry just nodded. For years he'd dreamed of what he'd do to his relatives once he could do anything, and at the end of last year he'd decided that they just weren't worth it. Harry moved past his Uncle in the doorway and was stopped by the man's hand on his arm.

Gesturing to a pile of clean, neatly folded rags on the bed, Vernon said, "Take your things with you. We don't want any of your freaky things here."

Harry gave a small, sad smile and told Vernon, with a pitying look on his elfin face, "Those are Dudley's old clothes you gave me first year. They still fit, you know. They're the only ones I've had since I began Hogwarts. I didn't want to take anything you gave me. I was afraid you'd be upset and try something."

Vernon glanced at what the boy was wearing (a school uniform, minus robes) and looked back up at Harry's face. For the first time since Harry Potter had become his ward Vernon Dursley felt guilty of the way he'd treated his nephew. He knew that they'd not been ideal guardians, but the honesty in the eyes far too old for such a young face struck the older Muggle. He truly had been wearing the same clothes for the last six years. Seven, really, because he'd gotten them when Dudley got his new summer wardrobe just before his birthday that year (same as every year). Petunia had been donating Dudley's old things to charity but neither of the elder Dursley's had truly thought about what Harry was doing for clothing-or money for that matter, not that Vernon was going to ask (it would give Harry the wrong idea). The fact that Dudley's clothing from when he was eleven still fit the Potter boy made Vernon Dursley feel like the lowest of dirt. And now, for his birthday they were kicking him out.

Finally deciding to be a good guardian he asked, "Where are you going, then?" The look of immediate fear and mistrust that crossed the teens face confirmed every loathsome thought Vernon was having about himself. The boy was afraid of what he'd do with that information, when really he just wanted to be certain Harry had a place to go at all.

"I planned to get a cheap motel room nearby for the night. I have something to do tomorrow with the Hanson family, and then I'm going to London to meet up with one of my professors for the night. After that is anyone's guess."

Vernon decided to at the very least try to make up whatever little bit he could to this poor boy. After all, he'd read the letters that came to the house every year talking about the number of battles the boy had been in, how badly he'd been injured, how close to death he'd come year after year after year. Vernon scooped up the rags that had been optimistically called clothing for years and led Harry downstairs. Leaving the boy in the sitting room, Vernon's heart clenched at the look of apprehension on the boys face. Neither did it escape his notice that Harry flexed his right wrist, an action he'd seen the boy's father do enough to recognize a holstered wand. The clench tightened when Harry moved automatically to a small, rickety stool that should have been disposed of years ago that sat hidden in a corner. Leading Petunia to the kitchen, Vernon set the rags down on the table and proceeded to tell his wife in bald, plain terms exactly what had occurred to him that evening (very quietly, so as not to be overheard).

Petunia Dursley was angry. Angry at herself because if any of what Vernon was saying was true then she was exactly the type of person that she hated with a passion. Angry at Vernon-mostly angry at Vernon-because there was no way what he was saying was true so why was he lieing? Some of the anger at Vernon slid over to become anger at herself when she couldn't, at Vernon's challenge, name the last thing she'd bought specifically for Harry-the fact that Vernon was calling the boy Harry was telling in and of itself. The remainder of her anger at Vernon bled away when she looked at the rags on the table and recognized the shirt Harry had been wearing the night he learned he was a wizard-and realized the boy had been wearing it the day before. She knew, beyond any doubt, that these were all that the boy had. What sort of foul, cruel demon was she? Lily, Petunia knew, would have treated her precious Dudley equally to her own Harry. The thought burned.

A quietly crying Petunia and visibly remorseful Vernon stood in the doorway to their sitting room and truly looked at their nephew for the first time ever. He was sickly looking, overly thin (making Petunia sob harder, knowing she had been forcing the boy to follow a weight-loss diet on less food than her own precious son) with dark circles under his eyes from the nightmares both knew he suffered. It was then that Petunia truly agreed with the plan Vernon had come up with. Vernon took the lead, hoping that Harry would accept this and absolve the older man of some of his guilt. They sat on the loveseat and beckoned Harry into the chair opposite. Petunia jumped up and ran into the kitchen, shocking both men. They barely had time to exchange surprised glances before she was back with three cans of Pepsi and a bag of crisps, explaining she was in the mood for a snack (and thinking Harry needed to eat, since Dudley had taken most of his supper).

"We always knew we were not treating you as well as Dudley but it didn't occur to us just how badly we treated you until tonight when I saw your clothes. We know you've got a lot going on with the war and everything, and you need to be careful-we read the letters every year. I know that you can't trust anybody. I... we would like to pay to put you up tonight. We know you don't want to stay here, and we don't really blame you. Your father came from an old family, with old money, so you should be set."

Here Harry looked surprised and gave a shocked nod, while Vernon continued, using his hands to encourage the boy to help himself to a soda and crisps (which he'd not done yet, out of habit, and eagerly did now having never tried Pepsi before and being incredibly hungry).

"We don't want you to be in some cheap, cockroach infested motel. We can't put you up anyplace truly posh, but we can insure it's safe and clean. I'll drive you there so you're safe and check you in. We'd like to invite you to breakfast, I'll pick you up, and then you can do your errand with the Hanson's. After that I can drive you into London so that you get there safe. I'm sure you've got a little money on you now, since you had all of this planned, but you shouldn't have to spend that. I know it isn't much and we fully understand if you don't accept. It would definitely be a case of too little, too late, and it doesn't make up for anything , but we would like to try."

Harry sat in shocked silence, mulling over everything his Uncle had just said. They knew he had money and hadn't demanded it-that was something. Surreptitiously using his Legillimency skills Harry was bowled over to realize that they actually meant it! Every word! With that he couldn't hold back and tears filled his eyes. He saw the concerned looks on his family's family, by the grace of Danu I actually finally have family faces and completely lost control, tears falling as great silent sobs racked his thin frame. Petunia was on the arm of his chair in an instant, maternal instinct causing her to throw her arms around the boy and draw his head to her chest. Rocking him gently until he calmed, she cried inside to know that these tears were simply for their caring (how she knew she wasn't certain, but she did).

It took ten minutes for Harry to stop crying and he sat up straight, furiously swiping the tears from his face and apologizing profusely for breaking down. Both Dursley's assured him that no apology was necessary and Petunia, one arm still holding him tightly, encouraged him to eat. Harry smiled slightly and took a few more crisps (bringing his total to maybe twenty crisps total) and what was left of his Pepsi (which he'd decided he didn't really like). Petunia wasn't very happy with the small amount he'd eaten and wondered idly if he didn't like the ranch flavoring on the crisps-it was obvious he didn't like the Pepsi, though he was far too polite to say so (and where he got that from was anybody's guess).

Vernon decided that, if the boy agreed, he was stopping at the all night diner by the Knights Inn a mile away. **A.N.~Knights Inn is a line of cheap motels in the USA, but here I'm taking liberties and making it a 3 star Hotel in Britian. So there *sticks out tongue*** He could tell the boy to order room service and charge it to the room, which would be on Vernon's Visa card, but he didn't trust that the boy would actually eat. If he took the boy to the diner he could see the boy eat, and if it made him feel better he'd take whomever what guarding the boy that night (yes, they knew about that, and were glad it was happening). Noticing that Harry seemed to be watching him, Vernon smiled slightly and asked Harry for his answer. After a moment's hesitation Harry agreed, thanking them for their thoughtfulness and admitting that he only had fifty pounds on him, which would have gotten him one night in a cheap motel, a snack this evening, and breakfast. Since everything was in his pocket Harry was ready to go. Petunia gave him a hug and told him she'd have breakfast ready at nine, since he was expected at the Hanson's at 10:30. Vernon told her not to wait up, since he was taking Harry to Cecil's for a burger and a milkshake before taking him to the Hotel. Harry objected, which was ignored, and Petunia offered to call the Hotel and make certain they actually had a room available while the men were eating. Thinking quickly, she grabbed her cell phone and handed it to Harry, telling him that if he had to leave for any reason to call no matter what time it was.

**AN DEN**

Tonks was on duty and had been expecting to walk Harry wherever he was going. When her eavesdropping charm let her know that the Dursley's were finally wising up she did a happy dance and sent a message with one of Arabella's cats to let her know to floo Albus that a.) the Dursley's were catching a clue and b.) Harry was on the move. She revealed herself when they exited the house and accepted Vernon's invitation for a midnight snack. She introduced herself and screwed up her face, changing her lemon yellow hair and teal eyes to identical forgettable browns. At Petunia's shocked expression she quickly explained Metamorphmagi (which Petunia professed jealousy of).

**AN DEN**

Just after the food arrived (scones and tea for Tonks and Vernon, cheeseburger-fully loaded-with onion rings and a chocolate malt for Harry-because Vernon insisted he eat at least that much) Petunia called. The Hotel had a room ready for Harry, Vernon just had to show his Visa when he registered (she'd given the number over the phone). The only foreseeable snag was that they wanted to see Harry's identification. To her surprise (and relief) Harry had a valid Driver's License-and the knowledge it intimates. When asked how, he responded, "Lovely spell, that." Tonks smirked and agreed, offering that Moody had obtained Harry's ID. No one had asked where he'd gotten it from, and he hadn't offered the information.

Harry ate half his food and drank his entire malt before complaining that he couldn't eat another bite-especially since he was having breakfast in eight and a half hours. Vernon agreed, knowing it had been foolish to force the boy to order that much, and asked Tonks if she wanted to take it to go. She'd be sitting outside the Hotel until 8:45, when Kingsley would take over, so a snack to anchor her Pepper-Up (since she had to work the next day) wouldn't be unappreciated. She could keep it fresh and hot with a spell, so it was perfect! Vernon smiled at the woman's enthusiasm, admiring her greatly since she'd explained that being an Auror was a cross between being a Bobby and being in the Military and she was still guarding his nephew on the side. If she were a few years younger she'd be perfect for Dudley...

Overriding the young woman's objections Vernon paid for her scones and tea, agreeing to let her tip only because she threatened him with violence. They exited the diner and walked the fifteen yards to the entrance to the Knights Inn. Checking in went smoothly and Vernon conferred briefly with Tonks while Harry was getting a "respect the other guests" lecture from a concierge who obviously expected him to be the typical rowdy teenager. While Harry was otherwise occupied Tonks slipped Vernon two Pepper-Ups and a list of Muggle items that could be charmed to work in a magical household, ones that would work in the high magic concentration of Hogwarts marked, that he'd requested while Harry used the loo at the diner. There was also, thanks to a handy little charm, a list of Harry's sizes. After all, he and Petunia were going to Stanley's when he got home. **A.N.~We're pretending that's like Wal*Mart as well as open 24 hours** Noticing that the lecture was winding down, Vernon told Harry and Tonks that he'd be back at 8:45 to pick up Harry and Kingsley and bring them back for breakfast (Tonks promised to let him know he was invited). Tonks took her leave as well and Harry walked to the lift, taking it to the sixth floor and room 623. Once there he gaped at the plush sofa and amazing bathroom before slipping out of his uniform and falling into the soft bed and a deep sleep wearing only his boxers, happy he'd set up a 7:30 wake-up call. He'd have plenty of time to take a nice long, hot bath in that jacuzzi tub before breakfast.

**AN DEN**

Tonks had a peaceful night. Nothing bad happened, no Death Eaters, nothing. Her favorite kind of night.


Petunia and Vernon spent three hours and nearly as many thousand pounds trying to make up for 16 missed birthdays in addition to this one. The next three hours were spent wrapping everything.

Dudley, who'd woken up around 12:30 to find his mother confirming a Hotel room and assumed she and his father had split up, was surprised to find out that everything was changing. He'd told her it was about time-the Dementors the summer before had brought to mind every cruel thing he'd done or seen done to his cousin. Many of them had featured the clothing sitting on the table, which he took upstairs and hid under the loose floor board in his second bedroom-it needed to be remembered. When he found out they were going to Stanley's to buy Harry clothes and gifts, he offered to go to Gelden's, a 24 hr. supermarket. Petunia agreed, scribbling out a quick list that included a premade cake if he could find one or a box of mix and icing if he couldn't. They had no idea what Harry's favorite flavor was (for that or the Gelato) but they figured they were safe getting either a white or chocolate cake and vanilla or chocolate Gelato. Petunia nearly burst into tears again when she realized that she didn't even know what the boy liked for breakfast. When they all left Vernon felt a welling of pride at his son-as well as thankfulness that the boy had his own car. That would make things easier.

Dudley was surprised when he was approached by a red head he vaguely recognized as he walked into the supermarket. The man introduced himself as Fred Weasley, explaining that his twin brother George was following Dudley's parents. Fred said that they'd been listening at the house and were glad the Dursley's were finally doing something for Harry. In honor of that, Fred was going to help Dudley out by showing him what Harry liked. Together they chose a white 1/2 sheet cake (all night market, all night deli/baker/etc.) upon which the Baker's Assistant would write as they shopped a simple "Happy 17th Birthday, Harry" message, as well as some Latin words (which translated to "Joyous Aging and Prosperous Life, Your Journey As An Adult Begins") that neither she nor Dudley understood. Fred (who'd printed it out carefully) explained that it was a tradition with the 'old' families like the Potter's.

Next they chose a smooth milk chocolate Gelato with marachino cherries mixed in (Harry's favorite). From there they moved on to brown sugar cured bacon that was more fat than bacon. Fred explained that if you baked it very crispy, it melted in your mouth-the perfect mix of sweet and salty, again Harry's favorite. Dudley learned about Matza and Eggs, served with an organic grape fruit spread (jellies and jams worked just as well, but the spread tasted best with it so Dudley-to whom nothing was too good when it came to Harry's birthday-got the spread) on top. Fred promised to write the instructions down before he left and they moved on to juices.

Orange with lots of pulp and pink grapefruit-again with pulp. Finally a Toffee Nut CoffeeMate to go with the coffee they'd picked up (Maxwell House Slow Roast) and they were swinging back to pick up the cake and check out. Before Dudley had everything on the conveyor belt he decided to check the list. His mother had planned pancakes and fried eggs and sausage and bacon with toast and tea, none of which-according to Fred-Harry was particularly fond of. Dudley was glad Fred was there. It certainly made things easier. Plus now Dudley could make breakfast-his own gift to his cousin. Taking Fred's advice Dudley bought lots of spare batteries and cellotape-you just never knew. (His parents were glad, since they hadn't gotten nearly enough) After a quick run to produce for two pints of blueberries, which Fred had decided were a necessity, they left.

Just before climbing out of the car in the Dursley's driveway, Fred handed Dudley a Pepperup, telling him what it was and how to use it.

**AN DEN**

Harry awoke to a glorious morning and (as Uncle Vernon had suggested) had a cup of tea sent to his room. Harry sipped at the strong brew-dash of cream, one sugar-while the tub filled. Oddly enough both were finished at the same time. Harry luxuriated in the bath, making frequent use of a warming charm, for nearly forty minutes before climbing into the shower to actually get clean. He dressed in a clean uniform and used a potion he'd gotten from Hermione on his hair, getting it to nearly behave, before realizing that he had five minutes to check out before Uncle Vernon would be there.

When Harry got downstairs Tonks and Kingsley were waiting for him in the lobby. Tonks gave him a hug and wished him a Happy Birthday before leaving for work. Kingsley have him a 'guy hug' and birthday wishes as Harry answered all of the 'were there any problems' and 'did you enjoy your stay' questions that came with checking out. Harry did as much as he could before Vernon had to sign because of the room service on the credit card. Harry offered to pay that in cash, which the clerk agreed to. He would have gotten away with it, too, if Vernon hadn't shown up and made him put the money away. The clerk smiled kindly and wished Harry a Happy Birthday as they left, assuming that the polite teen was a well loved family member in for a visit with his Uncle and old Judo instructor (which was how Kingsley had been introduced).

Harry was shocked, to say the least, when he got to #4. Balloons and streamers had apparently taken over the house and reproduced in his absence. He hadn't realized he'd said that aloud until Kingsley and Dudley laughed themselves to tears. Harry blushed, and his Aunt and Uncle smiled nervously just hoping he'd like it. They were relieved he burst out with, "This is aces! I can't believe you did all this! You didn't have to do this just for me! Thank you so much!"

Harry was led into the kitchen (the cupboard door had been completely covered, to his relief-out of sight, out of mind) where a veritable feast awaited him. All of his favorite breakfast foods! He wasn't aware they even knew about Matza and Eggs, which showed clearly on his face when he looked up. Dudley gave a small smile and explained in two simple words.

"Fred helped."

They sat down to eat, Harry and Kingsley showing the Dursley's how to properly eat the egg mixture, and Harry moaned at the first bite. He did the same at the first taste of the bacon and everyone laughed.

"Like it then, do you?" Vernon asked with a chuckle.

"I will deny under Veritaserum having ever said this but this is better than Mother Molly makes it!"

Of course, then they had to explain Veritaserum. Not that it mattered. The Dursley's, while still sketchy on magic in general, had decided that they couldn't fault Harry for using that natural gift any more than they could fault Dudley for boxing.


The Hanson family was sitting down to a simple breakfast-Cheerio's with sliced bananas and OJ-when the mail came. Jessica, who was closest, collected it and brought it to the table. It was quickly handed out, including a strange looking letter to Avery. Jessie hadn't looked at it too hard, just given it to the addressee, so when she looked up nearly five minutes later from an overseas letter her friends had written she was surprised to see Avery looking at her envelope with suspicion.

"What's up, Avie? Who's it from?"

That caught their father's attention. He reached down the table, silently asking for the letter. Avery gladly handed it over. To his surprise it was addressed

Miss Avery Hanson
The Second Bedroom On The Right
The Second Floor
#23 Privet Drive
Little Whinging

To his greater astonishment, it was from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Silently asking for and receiving Avie's permission he opened it. His eyebrows (now the center of attention from the entire family) rose higher with each word. By the time he'd gotten to the P.S. at the bottom explaining that a Liaison would be visiting later in the day they were nearly to the back of his neck (metaphorically, of course). He handed the letter to Diana, who read it and handed it to Avery-silently telling her husband that it was their daughter's choice. Seeing her father's nod, the eleven year-old blonde read through the letter quickly. The first noise made in nearly five minutes was Avie's squeaky, "I'm a witch?" After that it was chaos.

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As soon as Walker opened the door to greet Harry at 10:30 the teen knew, by the flustered distraction, that they'd read the letter. Walker kindly explained that they weren't going to have Bible Study that day (completely forgetting they'd planned a surprise party, which was alright because the only one who remembered was Isaac). Harry smiled and said that it didn't matter. Timing it perfectly, he waited until the door was nearly closed before saying, "I'm not here for Bible Study. I'm the Hogwarts Liaison."

Walker pulled the door open so quickly he smacked himself in the face.

Diana nearly smacked a dazed Walker when he led Harry into the Living Room-she'd told him to send Harry home! She suddenly remembered the planned party and glanced at her eldest, seeing instantly that he'd not forgotten. Feeling guilty (although they had been trying to get Ike to ask the boy out for weeks already) she gave Harry a warm smile. Before she could politely send him on his way (and wish him a Happy Birthday) Harry stuck out his hand and said, "Hello, my name's Harry Potter. I am your Hogwarts Liaison for the day."

You could swear you heard crickets. (Actually, thanks to an invisible Kingsley outside the open window you could-wonderful spell, that one)

Taylor announced that the entire letter must have been a prank played by Harry. Harry flexed his right wrist and the smooth length of wood suddenly in his hand gave off a muted yellow light that, upon connection, turned Taylor's beloved long blond hair a vibrant fuscia. Catching sight of himself in the mirror Taylor screamed. Flicking his wrist, Harry reversed the hex. Taylor screamed again and Harry slashed his wand sharply, incanting, "Silencio". Sudden silence.

After a moment Diana said, "I wish I could do that."

Everyone laughed, Harry reversed it-after sternly telling Taylor to stop giving him a headache-and everyone sat down. Harry explained about Hogwarts, the annexation of the Wizarding World due to the Burning Times, and the war currently being waged. He thought it only fair that they know, and they agreed. He showed off a few more charms, hexes, and curses (including the housekeeping charms he'd used before leaving #4 because otherwise it would have taken them hours to clear up). They asked questions, he answered. They asked about his emancipation and he explained the difference in legal age.

By 11:00 everyone was satisfied, Avery having decided to go after Harry told them that he had graduated early to be a Professor and therefore able to keep watch over her. Just as they were readying themselves to leave for Diagon Alley Harry had a thought.

"You're professional musicians. You should be attending magic school."

Again with the chaos. Kingsley was brought in and introduced. He contacted Albus, who contacted Salem. The Hanson family and the Gilbertine family (Diana's maiden name) had both, several hundred years prior, requested that invitations stop being sent to their families. For some reason that didn't transfer when they moved from the USA, but it was declared good that it had been caught. Musicians had Siren Magic. Uncontrolled Siren Magic was dangerous.

Harry was officially charged with inviting the Hanson family en masse to attend Hogwarts School of Inherited Natural Magics, a school that ran at the same time as the Hogwarts Harry would be working at. The difference was the Nat. Magic school was disguised as a bunch of abandoned classrooms-clever, yes? And they started 31 August and ended the day before the public Hogwarts. The public school had no knowledge of the second school, since it was considered the height of rudeness to reveal a families Inherited Magics without their permission. Harry only knew because he was an Elemental and an Empath.

As soon as Diana (who had moved everyone back to their seats, maneuvering things so Harry and Ike sat alone on a loveseat-she'd seen Harry's blushes) heard that Harry would only be Avie's teacher, not the rest of theirs-therefore still able to date her son, she'd asked Kingsley-she let it be known that she thought they should go. After all if uncontrolled Siren Magic was truly dangerous, and the entire family tested as Sirens-which they did-then they needed to control it. Simple as that. Walker agreed and, after a momen't deliberation, so did the rest of the family.

Harry let it be known that they (the majority of the family) weren't required to live at Hogwarts, however much safer it was, but Diana overruled him. How many people got to live in a magic castle? After being assured that many fully grown adults attended the Natural Magic school, Harry walked around with the family, helping them pack using the Pack charm Tonks had showed him (and Andromeda had showed him how to use correctly) and setting up several basic housekeeping charms that Harry taught Diana how to anchor in various knick-knacks (she loved it).

Again, just as they were leaving, someone had a thought that put everything on hold (Kingsley was amused). Diana asked Harry about his essay-Harry paled and said, "I don't think that's a very good idea." Diana argued and, eventually, overruled the now shaking teen. Before handing it over he said, "You've got to understand that Christianity is very frowned upon at Hogwarts." Everyone said that they understood and Diana took the essay from Harry's very lax grip. The title filled her with dread- Joshua of Bethlehem: Saviour, Murderer, The Man Who Wrote The Unforgivable Imperious Curse

By the time she was finished she was fairly certain she was going to be ill. She was right and made it back into the Living Room just in time to tell a shaking Walker that she disagreed-it was important for Zac to read that essay, for all of the children to read it. While the essay slowly made it's way through her family she noticed a book in Harry's lap. He handed it to her at her request, and she looked at the cover. The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts She opened it to where a a shiny new red and gold ribbon bearing the stylized letters HJP marked the Dark Lord Joshua. She read through it and watched the pictures act out the Necromantic raising of Lazarus over and over, feeling like a fool. After a moment she spied a tattered, faded red and gold ribbon near the end of the book. She opened to there, surprised to see JGP on it. Even more surprising was the page it opened to. Harry James Potter: Saviour of the Wizarding World, The Boy-Who-Lived

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Zac, Ike, Harry, and Kingsley took one car to The Leaky Cauldron while the rest of the family took the van (Kingsley having cast a lovely little navigation spell on both automobiles so they couldn't get lost or make unnecessary stops). While Diana was reading the pages about Harry and his parents to Walker (and the rest of the children by default) Zac was sitting in the front seat peppering the Auror with questions-questions that were answered just as hyperly as they were asked. Ike, on the other hand, was sitting in the back next to Harry, the scant inches seperating them seeming a gaping cavern of space. Both teens spent the entire trip wishing the other would touch them. The two in the front seat just wished that either boy would do something. Kingsley was very seriously considering locking them in a closet with a bottle of Firewhiskey and a tub of lube.

Arriving at the Leaky Cauldron, Kingsley cast "Notice Me Not-The Muggle Version" and they entered. They were immediately surrounded by Aurors and Order members-and just in time, since the muggle-borns wanted to meet Hanson and the rest wanted to thank Harry (Voldemort was still so gravely injured that he'd been unable to organize a single raid all summer). Tom the bartender directed them to a private parlor down a side corridor where the Headmaster was waiting, and one of the Aurors-Brownynn Johansonn-stood at the mouth of it, casting wards and sending people away.

Isaac had been surprised to see that so many people knew who they were, but was far more surprised to hear so many people screaming for Harry. Knowing he was being slightly irrational, Ike was jealous-Harry was his! Ike helped a very visibly shaken Harry settle into an armchair, seating himself on the arm and putting an arm around Harry's shoulders. To his obvious delight Harry snuggled slightly into his side with a deep blush. The Hanson family and everyone who'd been on "Harry Duty" that summer internally cheered. FINALLY!! Maybe now they'd start dating!

Once everyone was settled in a seat with strong cups of sweet tea to sooth their frazzled nerves the Headmaster introduced himself and explained that, due to Harry's recent increase in popularity, there would be a guard comprised of Aurors visibly escorting them throught the Alley and a hidden guard of Order members shadowing them. He told Harry that, as requested, the Dursley family was checked for the Imperious Curse and came out clean-which prompted explaining their actions since midnight to the Hanson's, who wished Harry a late Happy Birthday and told him that they had gifts for him in their bags. Diana asked about religion in the Wizarding World and was told about Earth Children, the preferred term for Pagans since the term Pagan was coined by the Romans, whom Wizards had no use for.

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The Hanson family was duly impressed by the Gringotts Goblins, and more than happy to stay in the lobby speaking to Griphook and Grabbyclaw while Harry went through the rituals to officially claim his Inheritances. He got a Perfect Price Pouch, which filled with the exact total of any purchase, as well as it's Muggle counter part (a leather wallet). They also gave him a Gringotts Platinum Visa Card (good in both worlds and most countries), all of which drew directly from his Vaults, since he had more gold than he could spend if he aged to thirty times Dumbledore's considerable years. Fleur Delacoeur was a personal banker-free service to all wealthy clients-who hadn't yet had her first client, and was thrilled when Harry immediately chose her name off of a list containing far more experienced personell. She cried when he asked her to be his banker, giving Harry a hug and a kiss on the cheek in addition to Birthday Wishes before pulling herself together and fetching him his wardkeys and the list of his properties, those recently renovated being marked as "confirmed inhabitable". She promised to be the very best banker he could hope for and Schanzie, the Goblin in charge of Harry's Vaults, certainly hoped she would be-Mr. Potter was their largest client! Nearly an hour and a half after entering the bank the rather large group was leaving again, on their way to choose Avery's wand-Sirens didn't need them since they used a different sort of magic.

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Avie's books were quickly purchased next, as well as several for the Sirens and nearly two hundred that Harry wanted for himself to keep at school. Following that were Potions supplies for everyone-Harry hoped to improve his proficiency-their telescopes, and broomsticks for the older children (Harry reccommended the Nimbus 2000-not the latest broom, but perfect for learning in his opinion). Finally they came to the familiars.

The Sirens were allowed any familiars they wished, so Mackie and Jessie got yellow and blue magical rats while Ike got an owl the exact same glossy black as Harry's hair that had oddly glowing orange eyes. The rest of the Hanson's, including Avie, got cats. That reminded Isaac...

"Were you really talking to that cat? What was her name? Professer something?"

Kingsley happened to be standing next to Diana, who jumped when the muscular man let out a shout of laughter. Harry gave an embarrassed smile and said, "Her name is Professor McGonagall and yes, I was. She signed Avery's Hogwarts Letter and she's the Transfiguration Professor, so she's not always a cat."

Kingsley gave him a knowing look to which Harry adopted a superior look and said, "I was in my tree." He then flounced away-to everyone's amusement-and began hissing at a display of snakes. The Hanson's assumed that Harry was just being typical strange Harry until Bronwynn explained that Harry could actually speak to snakes. They watched with a new sense of awe as Harry moved from snake to snake, appearing to keep up several conversations at once. Ike watched with just the slightest trace of fear (his mother had filled he and Zac in on Harry's printed bio while he was taking care of business in Gringotts) as Harry got into a conversation with a snake that kept itself seperated from the others. Harry seemed to be getting agitated at whatever the snake was saying and Kingsley was ready to interrupt when Harry stood straight and beckoned over the shopkeeper. After a conversation they couldn't quite hear the chastised looking shopkeeper began gathering supplies while Harry gently lifted the snake from it's cage. At Harry's request Zac, who had a fascination with snakes, brought over something labeled a "Nesting Quilt" and helped Harry wrap the snake. As the left the shop with everything they'd need for their pets (and extra owl treats for Hedwig) Harry explained that Quinten was a nesting male Hydra and should never have been kept in an aquarium-they needed to burrow and nest or they would die, which Quinten was very close to. The Hanson's were amazed to hear that a male snake was nesting, and even more shocked to learn that male pregnancy was a common fact of magical life. Maybe Ike could have kids after all...

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They didn't have too many problems with other people until they went to Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions. As soon as Harry saw Draco Malfoy getting fitted he knew there was going to be trouble. He could tell the guard knew it, too, because he could hear Tonks whispering to Walker Hanson quickly. Grabbing his Gryffindor courage and Slytherin superiority, Harry stepped onto the stool next to the pointy blond. When Madam Malkin asked if he was there for new Hogwarts robes, Harry adopted a bored tone and said, "No, thank you. I require three sets of show-duelling robes in black, five sets of teaching robes-one each in the four house colors and one in Hogwarts Purple, three dress robes in green, midnight blue, and crimson, all trimmed in platinum, and two sets of every day robes in brown please." While the assistant assigned to him bustled around, throwing robes over his head and hemming them quickly, Draco Malfoy turned to his nemisis.

"Think your funny, do you, Potter?" The blond spat, venom turning his elegant drawl into something foul and gutteral.

Ike could see Harry preparing for all out warfare with this pointy creature, so he prepared to step in and defend the boy he liked so much. Tonks slipped behind him and whispered, "Ask Harry if he's getting his cloaks tailored or buying them off the rack." Isaac was confused but did as he was told.

Both teens on the fitting stools turned at the question, Malfoy with a look of pure loathing and Harry with a warm, sunny smile. His laughed, "I can't believe I forgot! Tailored, of course-thanks, luv," made Malfoy see red.

"More little mudblood friends, Potter? And here I thought you couldn't sink any lower."

Harry raised a hand, sending the nearly twenty wands that had made a sudden appearance (including Madam Malkin and her assistants) back to their owner's sides, though not away. Before Harry could reply, however, Walker stepped forward-hoping fervently that his family would understand. You see, Harry had explained the prejudicial word when he'd explained the war.

"You're a Malfoy, aren't you? Well, you tell your father to look up the Hanson's and the Gilbertine's. We're Sirens, have been for generations. Pureblooded Sirens, as a matter of fact. I don't appreciate being refered to so prejudicially, and I'm certain Professor Potter doesn't, either. Yes, Professor Potter. He's our Hogwarts Liaison."

Draco paled when he heard the names Hanson and Gilbertine-they were well known Sirens who stayed out of the Wizarding World. The pale turned pasty and sickly when Mr. Hanson referred to Potter as a Professor, finally stopping at chalky when he was entitled a "Hogwarts Liaison". Even Professor Snape took that position seriously!

Lucius Malfoy chose that moment to make his appearance. He took in the overly large number of people glaring at his son with their wands at the ready and mentally cursed the boy. He saw Potter-knowing, through his position as School Governor, that the teen was now a Professor-and knew that whatever his deathly ill looking son had done it had to do with Potter. Still, family image must be maintained.

"Is there any perticular reason there are so many wands trained on my son?"

Harry answered first, of course.

"Lord Malfoy, you're looking well."

That certainly threw Lucius off stride, although it did tell Walker his name. Walker took the opportunity for what it was and stepped up to Lucius, hand extended.

"Walker Hanson. It's an honor to have met you, Lord Malfoy."

Lucius flushed ever so slightly-it was considered a tremendous honour to meet a Hanson. No one had done so in generations! Before he had a chance to respond further than gripping the man's hand the blonde woman standing behind him stepped up, hand extended.

"Diana Hanson, nee Gilbertine. Charmed, I'm sure."

Lucius took the opportunity to quickly introduce himself, flush deepening. The Gilbertine's and the Hanson's had merged! This was such an honour! And yet they were part of the, for lack of a better word, battallion facing his son. If Draco had insulted these people there would be hell to pay! Walker began speaking, explaining the confrontational athmosphere while a tall not-quite-blond boy started helping the Potter whelp choose colors and styles from a stack of cloaks.

"Please pardon the tension from your arrival. I was simply explaining to your son my...disagreement with a word he used to describe my famly and I. As I told...I'm sorry, I don't believe I caught your name?"

Walker turned to a now hotly blushing Draco, who supplied his name quickly.

"Pleasure to meet you, Draco. Now, as I told Draco, I'm certain Professor Potter, our Hogwarts Liaison for the day, didn't appreciate hearing us described that way. Or any of his other friends, for that matter, as Draco intimated."

Lucius was ready to do something Malfoy's never did-he was ready to cry. The only word the aristocrat could think of was 'mudblood', and the Gilbertine-Hanson's were certainly not that. They had nearly as many children as the Weasley's, and it was obvious that they had money. Oh, Draco was going to rue the day! Trying desperately to salvage the situation, Lucius noticed that Potter had stepped down from the stool and one of the Hanson children was being fitted for Hogwarts' public robes. Siezing the opportunity, Lucius congratulated her on her admittance.

Avery gave a shy smile.

"Thank you, Lord Malfoy. My name's Avery Hanson. I'm very excited."

She looked it, too, blue eyes sparkling and rosy cheeks flushed with anticipation. Walker smiled at his youngest girl with pride. Lucius watched the other father's eyes slide to his oldest child. Ike was now blushing darkly, his arm around the waist of an equally red Harry. At Walker's inquisitive smile, Ike beamed.

"He said yes."

There was an explosion of noise, people congratulating the new couple and shouting 'It's about time!'. Lucius was visibly surprised, as was Draco, so Zac took pity on the men. Patting Lucius on the shoulder, he explained, "They've been dancing around each other all summer. It's about time they got together."

Lucius just knew his day was going to get worse-the Gilbertine-Hanson's were making a very public stand with Potter against the Dark Lord and Draco Malfoy by that union. A glance at Draco showed Lucius that he'd be explaining what, exactly, that meant once they returned to the Manor that evening.

Chapter Three: Fantastical Beasts, And Those Just Pretending

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