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My Warped Little World....

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A poem i wrote a while back.... Alone Have you ever stopped to think how alone you are in this world? billions of people, yet you are so completely, utterly alone. Never fulfilling your dreams, never having or experiencing true love, never living your life to its fullest. Wasting breath on empty wishes waiting on some sort of fulfillment in your heart. Emotionally drained your heart cries, sighs, and dies. Your prince is never coming ang you,the princess, is already dead. Acting as though everything is fine, hiding under this shallow cover to hide the true feelings you have, crying on the inside when you are smiling on the outside. Until you find that 1 person who understands you, feels you, loves you, connects with you, you are destined to live forever trapped in this hell on earth of sorts in your mindscape and heart where you may never experience love, happiness peace or tranquility in your heart. Then things happen, small insignificant things that matter none the least tearing you limb from limb eye for eye breath for breath tearing your invisible barriers, your security blanket, your safe place ,into a corrupted war zone of terror and destruction that you just cant bear to take so you close off from everyone and everything never taking a passing glance at the world passing by, never to be used of manipulated. It's better this way some how that is what u burn into your brain even tho your heart knows that it wont it will never be ok so until the day your soul leaves this dreadful place your heartaches from all the times you have cried yourself to sleep- utterly alone, abandoned, unwanted... i LOVE what the light did to this one!
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