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The bottomless pit of reality!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Hey...another day...another lie...another damn death...
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Papa Roach----Scars
Topic: People
Hey..what is up? Nothing much here. Me and daniel broke up..well i found out the reason why...he broke up with me for kelly....well he broke up with her...for me...then brakes up with me to go back with not too worried about it..b/c atleast i didn't get too far in the relationship to start to care..well thats just it...i did care..i cared alot...but i guess that wasn't good enough..i don't know..but i g2g..bye..

Posted by goth2/gothic_freak666 at 6:59 PM
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Monday, August 15, 2005

Daniel broke up with me......
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: Talking on the phone
Topic: Crying
My boyfriend...broke up with me 11:30 something....i've fallen apart..i've overdosed in 4 different ways....but im feeling really i just wanted you to im going now..bye!

Posted by goth2/gothic_freak666 at 2:53 AM
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Friday, August 12, 2005

Tired..and a little worried!
Mood:  down
Now Playing: My cd-----Crossfade-----
Hey whats up ya'll...Im tired..i've had band camp...for like 5 days now..also i've had drivers ed..for like a week and a im like really out of it..I miss hoping he calls me soon..i really miss talking to him..and hearing his voice. Man i know..i sound so..freaking pathetic...but i can't help it...I mean i really like him alot..and me and him don't even go out yet..he is supposedly braking up with his girlfriend, but i don't know if he has done it yet hoping he he will ask me out friday night..But im getting kinda tired..and ready for him to call me...So i'll write more later..bye!

Posted by goth2/gothic_freak666 at 12:14 AM
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Watching the sirius channel"Octane"
hey whats up? Nothing much bored outta my hoping daniel calls me..i really like him alot...well yes...the guy i've been talking about in the past entry's..his name is Daniel morris...I really like him..i care for him?? Yeah i do..Whoa im starting to talk to really bad when i start doing that..But waiting for him to call me back..I hope he does later tonight..I really want to talk to him...Right feeling like somthing bad is about to happen...but i don't really know what it is..But i think im going to go for now..I'll write more later..bye!

Posted by goth2/gothic_freak666 at 11:38 PM
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

My becoming Future
Mood:  special
Now Playing: Slipknot Volume 3
Hey...yeah guess what...yeah...the guy i like is breaking up with his girlfriend...for me! Which i asked him why exactly..and he told me that he really liked me...and i told him that i really liked him too..and that i would do anything to be with not exactly like me, him, melissa, and nick are going to the movies friday night...and then...hopefully and melissa can *go to the movies* supposedly..which what im going to do is...tell my mom to take us to the movies and then nick..will pick me and her up...and he will take us to my guys house...(his parents are going to be away) and we will hang out there until like 30 minutes of the movie is left..and hurry and get back..before my mom gets, i hope everything works out...b/c i really like daniel...and its very nice of nick to go through all that trouble for me and daniel and melissa....which im really glad that me and him are back friends...b/c i should of listened to him in the past about eric..that was kinda a waste of time..i wish i never ever did that...But i probably better go..i need to get some a full day tomorrow..Bye!I'll post more details later..

Posted by goth2/gothic_freak666 at 12:01 AM
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Sunday, August 7, 2005

GUESS WHAT!!! guess........................................................
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: My cd..------"The Used"----------------------
Well you didn't i guess i gotta tell you everything..oh well, i was going to anyway.
My best friend got engaged, to one of the guys i kinda don't get along with that well, well i could if he and i could try together. Also, im gald for her, im actually really happy for just kinda sad at the fact that everybody has no..but i guess i was meant to be like this...but i just hope the guy i like isn't mad at me for some odd reason..b/c i really like him alot..i would do anything for him...anything in the world..i don't care..i just really like him, i've liked him since like primary school..which is a long time..since im in the 10th grade..well going to..this year..but i doesn't matter..i mean i know he likes me..but of course..whats the one thing that gets into someones way to the person they really like...A girlfriend, or a boyfriend. But i don't think he is mad at me..or anything..i think everything is good between me and him...well atleast i hope so! My friend talked to the guy that likes us..and she told him she felt for him and stuff..then when we go to the movies..of course her boyfriend is with her..and im all alone..they are making out and everything...and when we get back to my house..she tells me i can have the guy that we both like..ok- what happened? And she tells me that he told her alot of how he is sry..and how he really loves her..and etc. Then when i wake up sunday morning..she tells me that her and nick are like..whoa..really..she tells me the whole thing, i didn't think he would do that..but i guess i was very wrong...But i kinda getting tired..i'll inform you of what happens tomorrow..Peace!

Posted by goth2/gothic_freak666 at 10:46 PM
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Friday, August 5, 2005

My fucking life!!!
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Watch Metal Asylum..on Fuse
Topic: Anger
Yeah...the whole ordeal..with my life being fucked up...its not really my life..its the people in my life. Im not feeling like myself..its like there is other people blocking me from getting the person or people i really want...I can't really go into details right now..I mean if you think you know who im talking about..then good for you..! I will personally give you a standing ovation..Anyway..Im getting sick of people now a days..Sry if i upset anybody...but im kinda pissed off..don't ask at just not having a good just glad that drivers ed is over tomorrow..then i have the whole my self..i get to sleep as long as i want..but on going on the me a fun Man i miss him..(the guy i like) Yeah....i know im fucking weird..sue me why don't cha!....Well i don't know about what else to talk about...So im just going to go...Peace.

Posted by goth2/gothic_freak666 at 1:42 AM
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Thursday, August 4, 2005

hey, its been awhile..we have to catch up!
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: A remix cd
Hey, whats up? Well as you can tell school is already over, and school is getting ready to start up again. Right now im taking Drivers Ed, which is pretty cool, well since there is a guy in there i like..(ALOT) shhh! Umm...lets see, i don't like chris anymore...umm..since then i have gone out with a guy named Eric Villella...we went out for like 8 months..that was pretty awesome..other than the fact that we kept cheating on each i guess we weren't meant for each other. But anyway, your probably wondering who this guy is...well im not telling until im ready to..B/c who ever is reading this might already know who he is, and if he is reading..he'll know im talking about i don't really care..b/c i like him alot! Me and my best friend Melissa Killy, are supposed to go to greenville this weekend, we're going to the colonial mall, to spencers, im hoping i get to buy some stuff from there.But if not...oh well....! Im so bored right now...the guy i like called me earlier...i was pretty happy...he called me at 1:57 p.m. WOW!How the summer is going so fast. I wish time could stop...i wish i could do alotta stuff, but just can't seem to get the guts up to do it, or either they're are other problems. I think melissa is jealous of me and the guy in drivers ed. Why i dunno..i mean she goes out with nick...and me.brittany..poor ole brittany ..has nobody...not even since along time...:( it kinda sucks how she tells me how much she loves nick, and then again tells me how much she likes this other either way....i guess im going to get YEAH! Fucking Great! I have one screwed, fucked up life...but sometimes i love it...i mean i found a guy i really like...nvm...not going to go on...Im babbling again..i never have that much to say..but when i get pissed off, i go now im not pisssed....but close to it...why? B/c im tired of how people tell you one thing..and then they tell you something else..well ok..i hate it when people contradict just shows that they're fucking spwans..of fucking god...!Sorry if you couldn't tell im a fucked up athiest..not fully kinda anti-religion...i don't know what i am..but i know im not a christian..nor a matter what people think or say....ya know...Well i don't know if this is enough to catch you up or not..but if i decide not..i'll write another one later...Peace...

Posted by goth2/gothic_freak666 at 5:07 PM
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Saturday, September 18, 2004

What happened today...
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Listening to my AFI cd.
I'm sitting here thinking..,we had a game tonight. Which it got cancelled. Which sucked..b/c we had to leave early b/c it was raining...Grrrr...:(...but it was ok..i guess...we were sitting in the bleachers screaming out random was cool. But im talking to chris right now on the phone, i talked to him earlier but i had to go to the game, and i wish i would of had more time to talk to him..b/c i really like him alot...and i wish my mom would let us go out. But she has to meet him first. But next friday is my birthday. And the 25th is UNC Band day..i have to be at southside at 5:00 a.m. in the morning..grrr....i hate that..its too early..and then the 26th i have to go to x-fest..which will ROCK!! Which chris is that would be cool.. could probally hang out with him the whole time, or at least half of the time. But i better getting sleepy. ByE!!

Posted by goth2/gothic_freak666 at 12:29 AM
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Friday, September 10, 2004

My night....
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Music...Slipknot..vol. 3..
Hello there...i just got home from the southside high school football game. We won 0-54. We were against Columbia. Which they sucked. And i played in the band, which we did pretty good....i think. Everybody said we did. But i kinda wish that Chris could have been there. I would of probably done awhole lot better. But thats ok..he was supposed to go out with his friends...but he didn't. So that was ok..but i kinda felt bad for him....being alone.... But it was ok, that he didn't come. I still think we did good on the half-time. But im really,tired so im going to go. Bye1

Posted by goth2/gothic_freak666 at 11:01 PM
Updated: Saturday, September 18, 2004 12:02 AM
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