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Achievements: N/A in EW
Current Record: 0-0-0
Hell in a cell vs Cortez Prodigy
Date: 3/08/03
( Well, it seems that The Punisher has made somewhat of an impact in Elite Wrestling. The Punisher and Silencer… together again. And people seemed surprised that it would happen? Come on! That should have been clearly obvious when The Punisher was revealed as an active wrestler. When two people such as Pun and Silencer are in the same fed, they team. Pun and Silencer have been good friends for who knows how long, and whenever they’re in the same federation, they form an alliance. It’s just want happens, Pun is the mentor, Silencer is the protégé. Anyway, it seems that The Punisher is walking into the main event, in his debut match here at Elite Wrestling. A Hell in a Cell against Cortez Prodigy. Too bad the title isn’t on the line, because it would have a new owner. Shit happens though, and The Punisher can deal with it. After all, Cortez is just another body in Pun’s way to the top. Another body to soothe The Punisher’s hunger for pain. That’s all he is, nothing more… nothing less…

…This is an official promo from the most sadistic man on earth… The Punisher…

… The scene comes into view of a room in Punisher Manor. There are a bunch of people around, The Punisher is behind his guitar with Morus at the microphone and two random people at bass and drums. Drinks are held in everybody’s hands as people are getting into the music. The Punisher then goes into what seems to be a crazy guitar solo as Morus head bangs right next to him. Then all of the members start playing about and Morus starts to sing in a deep voice. )

Morus - Heavy boots of lead, fills his victims full of dread. Running as fast as they can… Iron Man lives again!

( The Punisher goes into another solo, and Morus seems to change… all of a sudden he’s jumping at the loud notes and runs from the stage. The Punisher stops and tells Morus to get back up on the stage. )

The Punisher - Dude, what the fuck? We still have about four more songs to go through.

“Morus” - That kind of music scares me…

The Punisher - Stop playing and get back up here.

“Morus” - I…I…I… I can’t do it!

The Punisher - Whatever you little bitch, we don’t even need a singer. Screw it. Let’s just jam.

( The Punisher and the others just start to play as the camera follows “Morus” around. He ends up passing a bathroom and then he stops, turns around and walks back in. He says to himself he has to take a piss, so he starts walking towards the toilet, he passes a mirror and checks a reflection of himself and keeps walking. Then, he stops dead in his tracks and backs up with a shocked look on his face. He looks in the mirror closer, and can’t believe what he sees. )

“Morus” - What the heck?! I’ve got make up own… and look at these clothes! They’re horrible! I look like… a FREAK!

( “Morus” starts washing his franticly washing the make up off his face. He begins to cry a little bit because it’s taking awhile to get off. After about ten minutes of scrubbing he finally gets all of it off, and with his face that is not red, he starts taking off the clothes. )

“Morus” - What the heck is going on, I know I would never put make up on. I, Marvin, would never do such a thing! Dang it! I feel so dirty right now. I need some good clothes!

( Marvin, as he has seemed to call himself leaves the bathroom in a nothing but a pair of boxers. He walks into different rooms and feels ashamed that there are nothing but “freak” clothes. Then he remembers that he hid a couple shirts and pairs of pants in a room just in case, why he did this? Only he knows, but anyway he rushes towards that room and goes in, and shuts the door behind him. After a couple minutes, Marvin comes back out of the room all smiles. The camera goes down to his shoes, which are brown loafers and pans up. The camera catches a pair of khaki Dockers, and an Abercrombie and Fitch shirt with a pink sweater tied around his neck. His hair also happens to be gelled back, instead of hanging all over the place. Then he goes back to the bathroom and looks himself over in the mirror. )

Marvin - Ahh… now this is so much better, I actually look civilized. I see can’t believe how I was dressed earlier, my reputation must be ruined! I think I need to go have a talk with Mr. Punisher.

( So Marvin then decides to look at himself a little bit more, smiles, blows the mirror a kiss and proceeds to find The Punisher. The camera is now back on The Punisher, who seems to just about finished with his performance for the people at his house. Most of the people are either making out, or out cold. The Punisher sets his guitar down and steps over a bunch of people so he can have a seat on his couch. The Punisher pops the top of a coke can and starts to drink it. His current band mates tell The Punisher that they’ve got to get going because they’ve got to catch a plane somewhere in a couple hours. Seeming not to care, The Punisher just waves them off and takes another sip of his soda. As the two men exit the room, they see Marvin… and walk right by him, not even recognizing him as he looks so different. Marvin then walks down the stairs and sees the massive amount of unconscious bodies lying on the ground, and he becomes disgusted. He keeps on going however, and turns the corner to see The Punisher sitting on the couch, now accompanied by a female whose head is buried in his crotch. Marvin’s head turns away at first in disbelief, but he slowly moves his head back towards The Punisher. )

Marvin - How can you do that in public?!

The Punisher - First off… what the hell is going on with you Morus, and second… this is The Punisher’s house, he can do whatever the fuck he wants to, where he wants to, and when he wants to.

Marvin - The name’s Marvin, Punisher. And I understand this is your house, but do you really feel the need to have this woman perform that while out in the view of other people?

The Punisher - Look around you, does anyone look the least bit… conscious? No… so there’s your answer.

Marvin - Very well… I’m a bit parched, do you have any mineral water? Or maybe some red wine? Perhaps some hot tea with lemon?

The Punisher - Um… yeah. Or no… Jesus Morus, you should know what kind of drinks The Punisher has, you’re here almost as much as he is…

Marvin - I told you already, I have no idea who this Morus fellow is, my name is Marvin.

The Punisher - And what the hell are you wearing?! Where did you find those hideous clothes.

Marvin - HOW DARE YOU! These clothes are not hideous, you see this shirt? Top quality Abercrombie and Fitch! This sweater tied around my neck? POLO! These pants, dockers! I had these clothes hidden… because the clothes you wear are repulsive… looking at some of the things you drape your body in sometimes makes me want to vomit.

The Punisher - So… Marvin was it? When did you become more of a pussy then the real Morus is? The Punisher is getting sick of playing these games with you.

Marvin - Look, I have no idea what you are referring to. I am my own person, not this Morus fellow you keep referring to. I have no recollection of him, nothing. I, on the other hand would like for you to treat that lady with respect. Instead of making her degrade herself to that form of low life. It’s sickening how much women humiliate themselves these days.

The Punisher - Are you a friend of Dorothy?

Marvin - Dorothy? She’s a nice girl yes…

The Punisher - Thought so… anyway, why don’t you go play polo or something, you’re bothering The Punisher.

Marvin - Polo… at three in the morning? Haha… you can’t be serious, can you?

The Punisher - The Punisher doesn’t care what you do, just take your preppie little ass out of his sight. Go on…

Marvin - I will not tolerate this belittling. I am not your… bitch! Excuse my French ladies, I did not mean it.

The Punisher - Wait… you said your name is Marcus right?

Marvin - MARVIN!

The Punisher - Right… whatever. Well The Punisher got a call while you were away beating off or doing whatever you were doing… your mom was in a horrible shark biting accident and you need to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

Marvin - Shark biting? Um… aren’t we in Pennsylvania?

The Punisher - What kind of person are you? Standing there, arguing with The Punisher, while your mom is probably bleeding to death.

Marvin - Oh my gosh! Mommy!

( Marvin rushes out of the room, and up the steps. He throws on a Members Only jacket, and wraps a scarf around his neck. Finally exiting the house, the camera goes back to The Punisher. The lady gets up as The Punisher zips his pants, and she just leaves. The Punisher just sits there for a minute or so and then arises from the couch. He starts walking up the steps, and exit’s the mansion, it’s still rather dark out, but some light is visible. The Punisher walks around his house and then starts walking to his backyard, after about one hundred and fifty feet or so, he stops and looks down at the ground. Objects are sticking out the ground, they seem to be stones… tombstones. The Punisher turns around and sits atop one of them and begins kicking his legs back and forth. The Punisher gives off a rather stomach turning smile as he again looks down at the tombstones beside him. He then begins to talk. )

The Punisher - You know, as every day passes by, The Punisher is starting to think this thing with Morus is actually true. Morus can’t be that good of an actor, The Punisher has seen him try… he can’t be serious for that long, he just starts to laugh or what have you. And for the past couple weeks, with these little episodes he’s been having, he hasn’t laughed once. This leads to be believe that this shit that’s going on is real, but who knows. People have been know to fool other people for awhile. They’re called con artists, while The Punisher doesn’t believe that Morus is one, he could just be fucking with everybody, and The Punisher won’t rule that out as a possibility for awhile. As many of you might have guessed however, The Punisher isn’t here today, on this tombstone to talk about his sidekick Morus… or whatever the hell he happens to be called at the moment, no. The Punisher is here to tell all the viewers a story. A story of The Punisher’s past, now while some of you may have heard this from before in World Wide Wrestling, you might wish to pay attention, because this time… The Punisher will get deeper into the matter. You will get deeper in this the mind of the most sadistic man on the planet… are you ready for nightmares?

The Punisher - It all started back in grade school. The Punisher was an average student, his capabilities were more higher though, The Punisher just never put everything into school work. The Punisher had an older brother, by two years. He was very jealous of The Punisher, about how our mother cared more about The Punisher, about how The Punisher was smarter and got better grades in school, about everything. We weren’t that close either, he was more loved by the father… and that was fine. The Punisher couldn’t care less, and we would always try and get the other in trouble… just how normal brothers would act. We got into countless fights, the winner always varied. There was this girl that The Punisher’s brother wanted more then life itself, so what was The Punisher going to do? Steal her. And that’s just what he did, man was Dylan pissed. Dylan was his name by the way. So what happened? Fights continued all throughout grade school, and the time came when The Punisher was eleven, Dylan had thought of an ingenious plan. Our parents went out and he killed our cat and broke a plate over his head, of course The Punisher was to blame, and The Punisher got put into a mental hospital after that he was carted off to a juvenile detention center. The Punisher never forgot that. They let The Punisher out seven years later… all the things The Punisher learned in that place, some of the tactics he still uses to this day.

The Punisher - However The Punisher was free now, and had one thing on his mind. Revenge. It didn’t happen right away, oh no. The Punisher proceeded to get his brother depressed and on the verge of suicide for a couple months. And one night when our parents went out for dinner… The Punisher’s master plan started. Clothes were set out on the bed, a fresh set. This night, Dylan got extremely drunk and The Punisher fed him lies, very sick and twisted lies… and they worked. Dylan went in the kitchen and got a knife, a rather large one… but he chickened out, just as The Punisher expected him too. That didn’t matter though, The Punisher had gloves; so he slipped them on. The knife now had Dylan’s prints on it, so what did The Punisher do? He grabbed that knife and stuck it in Dylan quite sadistically. It was supposed to look like a suicide, but The Punisher just got carried away and let the seven years worth of frustration out. Seventeen stab wounds later, The Punisher got showered and headed to a friends house. Hours later the phone rang there, The Punisher was sent home to a grieving family… the cops ruled it an unsolved mystery and that was that. As far as The Punisher was concerned… it was one down, one to go. The Punisher’s father had been beating on The Punisher’s mother for quite some time, and quite frankly The Punisher got sick of it.

The Punisher - It wasn’t until a couple years later that anything physical would happen between the two of us. The Punisher had moved out into Punisher Manor which was left to him by a rich uncle… why? To this day nobody knows. The Punisher was never at his parent’s house, and when he was, they behaved and acted like they have gotten over the fighting. Everybody puts on acts so they look normal and healthy… it’s a shame really. One night, The Punisher wasn’t feeling in the best of moods and wanted to go for a drive. He wound up at his parents house and decided to pay a very unexpected visit. Why was it so unexpected? Because when The Punisher walked in, he saw blood on the walls… what turned out to be his mothers blood. Racing through the house, The Punisher finally found his father beating his mother in the kitchen. At that point, sadistic thoughts ran through The Punisher’s mind… and he just snapped. The Punisher screamed out and ran over to his father and started pounding away. The Punisher kept beating and beating… and beating. Nothing could stop The Punisher… except looking for something to finish the job. What did he find? A gun, but no… that was too messy. A knife… perfect! The Punisher slit his father’s throat that day, and was arrested for murder. The Punisher never spent a night in jail however, it was only two more years in the nut house as some people might put it.

The Punisher - The thing was… The Punisher was determined to have been clinically insane at the time of his father’s killing. The judge was forced to send him to a mental institute rather then a prison. That was the wrong thing to do, because The Punisher learned so much in that hospital. How the mind of sick people work… how to play with people, manipulate minds, you name it… The Punisher learned it. It was a great experience… was The Punisher really insane and putting on an act to get out? Or was The Punisher sane and putting on an act to get a lesser term? Some people argue both, The Punisher sure isn’t going to tell anybody, that would ruin everything wouldn’t it? We can’t have that. Time has gone by, The Punisher has, unfortunately, had to take the lives of other people. Never gets caught though, and he comes close to getting caught, he messes up the detectives mind so bad, they end up in the nut house. It’s happened before. It might happen again, The Punisher is just too smart. Ever since he got out of the loony bin at a ripe age of twenty, The Punisher started wrestling and going to school. The Punisher holds a degree in Psychology and Forensics. Two degrees a man of The Punisher’s nature needs to have in order to get away with certain things. Hmm… the way the mind works, how to manipulate it, and how to cover things up in case shit goes down. Seems like The Punisher set, doesn’t it? So let’s recap… first fights go down in grade school… The Punisher loves it, death of brother and father, The Punisher does some time, and here he is now… one of the most dominant wrestlers this circle has seen!

( The Punisher gets down from the tombstone and it reveals the name to be Dylan, The Punisher gives it a swift kick and walks away from it. Walking, The Punisher looks all around him, searching through the darkness with his evil eyes, searching for something. Anything for his eyes to meet, but nothings out there… just darkness. The Punisher stops on what seems to be concrete, must be his backyard patio area. Pun notices a glass bottles, so he picks it up… guess he doesn’t want anybody tripping over it. Probably not, that would be the nice thing to do. He examines it and talks to the camera at the same time. )

The Punisher - So The Punisher heard that he has his first match back in four months. Walking into Elite Wrestling and being in the main event, that’s fine. It’s also a hell in a cell match… which makes The Punisher’s night even better. The only thing is, it’s against a gangster wannabe, Cortez Prodigy. Cortez happens to be the Global Champion, which is believed to be the second title around here. However it’s not on the line, that could be because of a couple reasons. One, someone is holding The Punisher back. Two, it’s The Punisher’s first match. Three, The Punisher is too good for that title. Or number four, and the most probable, Cortez is scared to defend it against The Punisher. Sure, he might act like a tough thug or whatever he wants to be called, but it’s all an act. That’s all being a thug is, acting tough and crumbling when the fighting starts. You people have seen Cortez fight, haven’t you? It’s not a pretty site. On the other hand, you give a thug a weapon, such as a gun… he’s the toughest guy out there. Why? Because he can hurt you, and still be far from the fight. Guns have a long shooting distance, guns are for pussies. If you want to come at The Punisher with a deadly weapon, come at him with a blade, not a bullet. It works for thugs though, because they’re pussies. Just like Cortez.

The Punisher - Notice how Cortez hardly mentioned The Punisher at all in his last promo? That right there just shows how scared of The Punisher he is. He figures if he doesn’t mention The Punisher that much, The Punisher won’t remember to mention him. Guess what Cortez… The Punisher knows a bitch when he sees one, and he’s calling you out on this one. You need to stop worrying about the other, how did you put it, “niggas” out there, and start worrying about this pale ass sadistic mother fucker. Oh, The Punisher likes your little saying you have. Something about if The Punisher doesn’t kill you, then The Punisher will get his. Um, Cortez… you just gave a convicted killer a reason to end your life… do you really want that to happen? The Punisher would have to say no to that one, so shut up about it. The Punisher would love nothing more then slitting your disgusting throat and watching the blood trickle down your body, but he can’t do that. Why? Because there will be too many witnesses, and The Punisher will get more time in prison cause you’re black. That’s the truth, bullshit, but true. Go ahead and flap your gums, come back at The Punisher with the same, unoriginal “You’re nothing Pun, I’m not scared of you! I’m going to whip your comic book ass and win.” Granted it will be in Ebonics, but you get the picture.

The Punisher - The Punisher’s question to you Cortez is, are you ready for this? Our paths never crossed in W³, but it’s a different story now. You’re The Punisher’s first victim… how does that feel? How does it feel knowing that The Punisher is back, and you will be remembered as the first man he annihilated in four months. You will be remembered as just another black guy… who failed at his dream of beating someone better then him. So ask yourself Cortez, seriously… or get your cousin to explain to you that The Punisher shows no mercy. If he sees an opening to break any part of your body, he will take it. It’s as simple as that. The Punisher loves pain of all kinds. He loves to watch people suffer as The Punisher fucks with their minds. The Punisher loves to inflict physical pain upon other human beings. The Punisher loves when others try to inflict pain on The Punisher. It all gets The Punisher off… so come on Cortez, you say you’re big enough, you say you’re bad enough… so come at The Punisher. Don’t come at him at fifty percent, or even one hundred percent… The Punisher wants you at one hundred and fifty percent… for god sakes people… The Punisher wants a fucking challenge! How is it going to feel when The Punisher paints the canvas with your soul? One last question for today Cortez… do you think you’re ready to… Enter Apocalypse? The answer is no, you’re not. Get to work sunshine, you’ve got one hell of a ride to go on. And you’re already stumbling along the way. Good day.

( The sun starts to rise a bit as The Punisher walks back to the main entrance of his mansion. When The Punisher enters, he sees Marvin sitting on the couch in the living room. The Punisher rolls his eyes. )

The Punisher - What are you doing back already Marvin?

Marvin - Nah dude, it’s Morus again. Man this shit is really starting to get to me. The last thing I remember is jamming with you, then all of a sudden I’m in some hospital yelling “Kill the sharks!” And look at this fucking clothes… this is ridiculous. I feel like I’ve been violated.

The Punisher - You have been. Some preppie little bitch named Marvin came out this time. Marvin, Mo Money… The Punisher doesn’t want to know who’s next. Can The Punisher just kill you now and end this?

Morus - Hey now!

The Punisher - The Punisher was just joking… The Punisher would never kill you, you’re his best friend…

( The camera zooms into a sick look on The Punisher’s face after what he just said, and then fades to black. )