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"Before I even Get Started..."


.::The scene opens Tuesday in the home of former Real Action Wrestling Federation President, Todd Chaos. A plump man in his late forties is sitting in his living room at his mansion outside Akron Ohio. He's drinking some champagne as there is a nock on his door, he picks up a nearby cigar as he sets the glass of wine down and heads to his front door. As he opens the front door, standing on the other side is none other than Seth Willson, Todd smiles as he extends his hand to Seth's and begins smiling::.

Chaos- Seth! It's great seeing you again... come on in... *Chaos begins walking back to the living room* Come on in here, I'll get you something to drink...

Seth- Umm no thanks, what was it you called me about?

.::Chaos stops and turns back to Seth smiling once again he motions him to follow him as he turns around laughing slightly as Seth follows him. He heads behind a small bar in the living room and begins searching through the drinks in his bar::.

Seth- Look Todd, I don't want anything to drink, can we just get to business. Why did you call me here?

Chaos- Nonsense, you can have something to drink, how about some scotch...

Seth- Look Todd either tell me what you want or I'm fu(bleep)king leaving!

Chaos- And go where? Back to the AIWF? I don't think so... so sit down, have a drink with me.

Seth- I don't know why I bothered coming down here... I'm gone...

Chaos- I wouldn't leave just yet Seth, but you are right, you are gone... from the AIWF....

Seth- *Seth stops and turns as he stares at Chaos* And how exactly would you know that?

Chaos- Because you weren't there to begin with.

Seth- What the hell are you talking about? Have you gone nuts? I've signed a contract, I have a match Wednesday, I AM there...

Chaos- Not anymore *Chaos brings a yellow envelope and sets it down on a table near Seth as well as a glass of some brown liquor* ....

Seth- What's this?

Chaos- Open it, and find out.

.::Seth opens up the envelope as he stares at Chaos out of the corner of his eyes... pondering what he could be up to. He pulls out a very familiar paper, he looks at it just for a second before rolling his eyes and shoving it back into the envelope::.

Chaos- Wow, you took that well...

Seth- Of coarse I did, it's my old contract, so what.

Chaos- So what? I guess when you were going through changing things in that, adding your stip that all of your matches are Hardcore rules, that upon your firing you have a returning option as well as immediate chance to take the commissionership spot, and everything else you changed you forgot the one clause in there which states that until your contract is bought out by another company for at least triple the contracts current worth, your ass still belongs to RAWF...

Seth- But RAWF is closed and dead so ther...

Chaos- Let me finish! The clause states your still contracted under RAWF EVEN after it's closing, and will be so until your lifetime, contract expires. Which both you and  I know the lifetime contract is set to end when you turn forty-five. Also now that I have informed you of this, if you appear at ANY AIWF events you are sued, they are sued... and you still have to work for me.

Seth- Bullsh(bleep)t!

Chaos- Ohh, you think I'm lying... go ahead, read it through, it's all there, you just missed it...

Seth- *Seth begins to look through the contract which he has now torn out of the envelope* Why the hell are you bothering me with this now, you knew I was in the AIWF, why now?

.::From behind Seth steps a man wearing a stylish black suit, his hair hanging slightly in his face. Seth just stares at the man as he strolls past him as Seth's eyes widen in amazement. The man walks by Chaos and sits on a black leather couch and looks to Seth::.

Trever- Were opening the RAWF back up, and we want you.

Seth- Trever? What the hell are you doing here.

Chaos- He's here to help these negotiations go smoother.

Trever- Sorry I'm late, traffic was hell.

Seth- Ok, someone explain all this now!

Chaos- It's simple, we've seen you in the AIWF lately, we like what we see. We've been asked to re-open the RAWF, and we want you, with us. I will reclaim my place as President, Trever is taking the spot of VP, and we want you to take your place as commissioner and to enter the World Title Tournament and bring it back to the Chaos Army.

Trever- And it's not just us, it's everyone... Dray, Showtime, Darksider....

Seth- What? Darksider? First off what the hell makes you think I'm going to help you Todd? Huh? Let alone do anything WITH Darksider? The RAWF is dead... I have a home now....

Chaos- Heh yeah, some home, a home where Stone cold teams up with a throw back of an 80's "evil" wana be if I've ever seen one. "Big Evil" Heh that's hilarious...

Trever- Do you want to play with the children there that consider themselves wrestlers, or do you want to come back to your true home?

Seth- You both know what my answer is...

Chaos- Well sorry but it doesn't matter one bit, your ours... contract says so, you signed it.

Trever- Yeah, and you know Seth if you wana make a big deal about this. We can always contact AIWF management about your little "condition" and you don't want that now do you?

Seth- Fu(bleep)k you, I'm over that now. I got help, and I've been fine.

.::Trever gives a wicked smile as he gets up from the couch and slowly walks up to Seth, almost stalking as he makes his way to him, eyes locked on Seth's::.

Trever- Seth, don't kid yourself... you know how hard it is to resist. You can never have any real control over it. I should know, I have the same thing. So don't try playing this game to me, you can't lie to me. Have they taken you off the medication? It's been a while, so I'm guessing they have. The way you try to forget about all of it, try avoiding it when it's brought up. I know they took you off it, and I know you can feel it. Like an itch you can't seem to scratch. It's there, it's always there. Till you finally snap, and lose it.

Seth- Just because your my uncle, don't think you know everything about me.

Trever- Ohh Seth... I know everything about you. I'm more than just your blood, I'm your mentor, your trainer, I am you Seth. Just face the fact that you and I are the same. *Seth becomes a bit shaky as he stands there, and he breaks out in a cold sweat* You can feel it right now can't you? Ah, yes, of coarse you can. Give in Seth, make it easier. Don't fight it, you know just as well as I do it's useless to fight it.

.::Seth swings at Trever missing him. Trever grabs Seth by the throat and shoves him up against the wall. Seth goes to knee him in the side but Trever expects it and blocks it at he throws Seth down only for Seth to get back up and begin attacking Trever with a series of punches and kicks. Each one Trever blocks till he nails Seth across the face with a hard right hand, then kicks at his left knee sending him down to one knee. But Seth spins around sweeping Trever's feet from under him as he jumps atop of Trever with his fist drawn back ready to punch him as Trever begins to laugh and Chaos is clapping::.

Chaos- Bravo... Trever when you say you can get a job done, you can... go on Seth, do it. Hit him, break his nose, shed your own families blood...

.::Seth looks down at Trever then back to Chaos as he stands up and backs away staring at the two with a confused look on his face. Chaos is no longer clapping as Trever is getting up and Seth shakes his head as he turns around and heads out the front door::.

Chaos- WHAT-THE-HELL?!?!? I thought you said this was going to work Trever! What are we going to do now?

Trever- Shut your hole Todd, things aren't going exactly as planned but their on the right track. You seen how he was the day of the last RAWF, he's still carrying it with him. It's still there... and as much as he tries he can't fight it anymore. Give it time

.::Trever smiles as he turns around and looks back to Chaos as the scene fades to black::.