gothic industrial culture at

my first html bitch


what i have to offer you is nothing more important thatn what others can possibly offer you. i am just a first time html user and this is what i do for a living, sit at the pc and learn new things. its a boring life i know but hey, somebody's gotta do it right¿?

what i am


i am a yahoo chatter and i would wish to make yahoo booters at one point and time but i know ill never be good enough

this is the good shit PlayGirl < /a>
  • needed files
    any files you might need like msinet
    mic locks
    something to prove that you are king of the mic
    yahoo tools
    yahoo tools such as themes and such
    now try yahoo-playgirl if you really think you are the shit and can boot 
    the site that i have created is not yet active but when it is im sure it be 
    perfect for the first time booters and first time users of HTML.

    Becca, Thank you for supporting me througha lll of the rough times we have had together and loving me.I LOVE YOU.

    this ite is promotionally being used for a gothic chat server Chatroom

    Current room/channel statistics:
    (OP's = People with a "@" by their name.
    They are chat room helpers. 
    They have control over the room, So don't piss them off.)

    Channel owners:
    • sirus_6_6_6(sirus)
    SOP's (Powerful OP) :
    • sirus_6_6_6

    AOP's (Normal OP) :

    • sirus_6_6_6
    • sirus_6_6_6

    Please send any comments, complaints or questions regarding the VF Chatroom to Russ, you can email him at:

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