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Tasha's Pics

WARNING:  Only look if you have not eaten in the last half an hour.. BAD PICS!!

Ok, well I don't know why I am showing everyone these, but here they are....


Here is boring me..


And there I am with my tongue bar... (haha, that seems to be pretty popular with a lot of people...! Don't know why ;)



And there's my new... HAIR CUT!  YAY! Hahah.. Pfft, doesn't help, the best hair cut in the world couldn't fix that face :P


And that's me with my cool necklace.  Black leather necklace with spikes.  Oooohvery cool.  I mean, the picture is horrible, but the necklace is cool.  You should see it!  I have a matching bracelet which I'm wearing at the moment, and normally wear.  Yup, I'm one of those people who walk around wearing spikes.. haha.. SCARED?!  I AM! :P



And that's all of my pics at the moment.... I haven't had pics on the net in a very long time.. So I don't know how people will react to these.  Actually, I don't give a fuck how people react to these.  If you don't like it, close the page... NOW!



Have a nice day :-)


Love, Tash.  XXXX