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Michigan People And Business Creating A Better Future!


Fresh Start Foundation Inc. was designed to train and finance unemployed, displaced workers, discharged military veterans, women, minorities, handicapped and other disadvantaged people to start and run their own businesses and to successfully widen the small business base in the State of Michigan. In order to achieve that goal, Fresh Start Foundation Inc. is in the process of instituting the Self Help Project.

We have seen an increase in unemployment in Michigan following 9/11/2001.  Long time employers such as Knapp’s and Jacobson’s have closed their doors.  Other mainstays such as Kmart have reorganized and in so doing released large numbers of employees.  Jobs that will pay an employee enough to support his or her family are few and far between.

Women who are the sole support of their families, physically disabled persons and minorities have been particularly hard hit as our economy continues to down size.  Opportunities for these people to brake out of this downward spiral have been limited to working multiple jobs where capable, unemployment when necessary and welfare when all else falls.

According to Michigan Department of Career Development, Employment Services Agency, Office of Labor Marketing Information the try-county area of Lenawee, Hillsdale and Jackson Counties have a population of over 303,839 people.  (Lenawee -- 98,890, Hillsdale – 46.527, Jackson – 158,422).  The unemployment rate of the three counties is 5.5%. That is in excess of 16,711 people and that number is growing.  (Lenawee – 5.2%, Hillsdale – 5.3%, Jackson – 6.1%). This same pattern is repeated across Michigan.

Our aim is to address the three basic reasons new businesses do not survive: lack of funding, lack of business knowledge, and time needed for a new enterprise to grow.  To our knowledge no other group or agency to date is sponsoring a program like this although there is some help out there such as Work First’s program which will assist in obtaining DBAs and printing business cards for unemployed individuals sent to them from Family Independents Agency.

The Self Help Project will address this situation by assisting women, physically disabled persons, minorities, discharged veterans and unemployment displaced workers in starting their own businesses.

Toward that end they will receive class instruction in business management ranging from selecting a type of business that interest them to marketing.  We will provide seed money to help them get started on a one year interest free loan basis.  A three-year incubation program will follow during which open communication along with additional one-on-one assistance and a required reporting system will be followed in order to assist them in reaching their goals.

Our clients will receive instruction from our in-house staff of business professionals along with additional instruction from community professionals who will conduct classes and seminars on a volunteer basis or a pay-for-performance basis.
Our target date for start-up of the Self Help Project is January 1, 2003. Toward that end we are in search of funds to purchase the necessary facilities, purchase needed equipment and pay expenses. We are also in the process of developing an on going relationship with other organizations interested in putting Michigan back to work.

 This facility will be located in Jonesville, Michigan.  Additional facilities are planned at three-year increments, each to cover three counties areas.
If you are in a financial position to help, your tax deductible donation will assist people across Michigan in achieving a better standard of living and in so doing help put Michigan back to work.




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