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Kai-Chang's Page

Kai-Chang of Kassar
Ubar/Admin of Scagnar Island Fortress

I was born in a Kassar Camp, My Family consisted of Me, My Father (Shadow_Pa_Kur)Master Assassin My Brother(Dar_Mayhem. As My Brother became a Master Assassin,I traveled GoR, and what caught My eye was the Red Caste. As I grew to a Man I have been a Pirate, a Bounty Hunter, a Assassin, and now a Warrior and the Ubar of Scagnar Island Fortress, Having My Free Companion Ahleena_Kai-Chang, Our twins Slade and Siona and having a Family that grows everyday not just in Members but in strength and love and togetherness.....You will catch Me sometimes, flying high in the sky upon My faithful war tarn Argus.
