.As.I.Like.It. glish.com : CSS layout techniques : nested float
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The pains of many worlds rest on our backs,
We sit around looking for a way to relax,
The night devours our spirited hearts,
Making believe we eat tea and tarts,
Wasted days and sinful nights,
The world still stands all ending in fights.

Quote - Williams Shakespeares - As You Like It - Act 2 - Scene 7- Lines 146 - 150.
Jaques: All the worlds a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their entrances and exits, and one in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages.

Thursday, May 1st 2003

The start of a new month, falling into the last month of school. Things have been better than lately. School is going very well. Home could be better, maybe a little annoying. 15 or 16 days of school left. I can't wait to get out but I know I will miss it terribly. I am actually updating from my school's computer lab since we have nothing to do. Now onto the other news.

Website updating is coming along very slowly. Since school is nearing end I have to keep very precise on my school work. I will be updating more over the summer. I intend to roll the whole page over to this layout. It may take a while, since I want to get this done before school is out. Well time to go update. EMAIL ME

This is all brought to you by Despondent. Please don't steal anything or "borrow" anything. I work very hard on everything I do. If you have any questions email me. If you don't like what I have to say please leave. Thank you and enjoy.