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« Demons lil picure book »

I am demon

hear me rawr, actually...look at my pics of all my friends, since stupid community.webshots wont let me post all of the lil pics that i want, i must do my mission here...picture of everyone i know up here cuz they r kewl and i wanna have these pics...i think so...enjoy...*flame goes out*

okay so im a lil bit of a freak! but does that really matter to anyone but me? i think not....i like my blog should visit it..*HERE*...*evil grin* I know you really want to see it...i know you do, and while your there, leave me a comment will ya?....

I think i still wanna write some more...well i guess here is where we will see pics of the best brazilian class in the whole world go *here*

if you wanna see pics of great people in my brazilian school that are on the sports teams, go *here*

well the newest thing up here since i have moved back to the in spring break and i decided to put up my pics of my trip BACK to brazil here...if ya wanna see, go *here*