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Tae-Kwon-Do Death!

Everyone needs to get into some physical activity at some time or another, it's the only way to stay healty. Since Death is such a "young tough" he decided to take a few classes in, self defense. Who could kick that high except a true professional like Death?

For an ordinary person the hardest part of training is getting in touch with one's inner and outer body; getting to know one's self, this was an obsticle Death made look like a sissy-girl in less than a week.

Although Death has been in karate now for some time, the real thing that he's only learned so far is how to stand with the posture of a Leaping-Swallow-Canry-Crane-Bird.

But everyone knows that with enough practice you'll always come through in the end.

Even Death got out there and faced the world by showing that he too could not only be academic, but also get out and rub his sweaty body all over other individuals of the same sex. And perhaps a few of the other... Here we get to the most annoying part of joining a karate art/organization. The Beginners. Death is a beginner and just like all the other little F***ers he thinks that he can just go out and kick anyone's a** that he pleases. This is usually what makes all the highers ranks laugh at and ridicule the lower ranks; the lower ranks own stupidity.

That's right, Death, being the stupid little juvinile that he is went out the first D*** day that he took karate and tried to pick a fight. His tequniqe of 'head-to-fist' and 'stomach-to-fist' however were not very affective in defense or offense...