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Dick Goddard!

Pride, Honesty, Loyalty, Power. All attributes of the great man we all know as Dick Goddard, the Fox-8 Clevelands Weatherman.

Who wouldn't love such a great man? Here at Death's headquarters we've decided to set this little page aside to reprisent our respect for Dick. Although Death could not make the trip, Chris found the time to go meet Dick at his local Drug Mart and he would like to share his experience with everyone!

Well of course, first things first, they have to try and sell me something. I mean, he's a weather man, aren't they always going all out for you money that you don't have? Just look at this bood, it has to be a top seller. Look at it, even with that weasily looking face I bet he still sold millions of copies.

And look at this greatly articulated illustration on the cover of the Dick Goddard Almanac they had for sale, I don't know about Dick, but all that wildlife floating around me would give me a good reason to break out a rifle.

Unfortunatley, I forgot my camera on such a wonderous occasion. Sounds just like something Stupid *slap* Chris would do, but we still have pictures taken after of the autographs.

And if you know Chris he doesn't go anywhere without having doodles/signitures from himself and others, so this seemed just the occasion for having such a mighty man sign his arm. Although Dick refused at first claiming "Chris would die of ink poisoning and come back to sue him", Chris pointed out that had he died of ink poisoning he couldn't sue so Dick reluctantly signed his arm.

Sorry you didn't get to see Death's beautiful physiqe on this page, but as said before Death's mother does not approve of Chris and would not let him participate in the effort to support Dick!

I don't really know why this is here, it just seems like whenever you see anything involoved with Dick it has Woolly Bears in it too.