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Welcome to the one site that makes absolutely no sence, in all realtance to the world. Here you shall find the real meaning to pure pointlessness and dark secrects in which others may not ever find.

If you are ever to tell of any of these secrets, squirly wrath shall rain down up you and your children, and your childrens children, and fallowing them, their children and so on and forever more. You have been warned.

Squirly wrath- Getting severe papercuts on your throat and wrist and blood shoots from your body into your eyes obscuring your vision rendering you hopless to call 911.

The Begining of the End

Today, upon January 7th, the world has declaired that nothing but pointless squabbling morons are running the country of the United States of America. This has become evedent by 87 billion dallars being sent over to a country that does not enquire our individual help. Within this transaction there has been suttle concequenses.

1.Less money for the already poverty inclinded nataion of america.
2.Money in which was needed is now not useable and thus has lowered the funds for education which is hensforth the reason we have such a moron in the state of being "president"
3.A rationalistic group upon the name "unknown" has formed a group of few that have declaired war upon american errorist.

With this being said, we have forclosed the information in which you must receive at this moment. Please cancel your apointment for the doctor, and plan to go violate that in which is not yours.


From The Depts of Your Soul

Today we shall send you the information in which you might need on the rare occasion you get into a little bit of trouble..

First...and formost..
Why are you in trouble?
What has brought you to your pit of doom?
Who is the culprit? You or the other?
Is it a matter of life or death?

After running through these questions think to yourself the fallowing...

Who has it worse? Me or the other?
Can I think of anything that relates to this delima?
Who will my desisions effect?
Some one on the other side of the world is in a way worst posistion than I am......
Think of the worst things that could happen to someone that you currently are not dealing with.
Who is the worst one now? You or that person you just thought of?

I think me and my self have made it evedent that you should not be worrying about youself..but think of the best way, and most respectful way, that you can find a solution to this troublesome foe.


News From The God(s)

Well. A new day. Another person died. Another animal shot. Another beer drank. Another cigerette smoked. Another wife being abused. Another man losing his love. Another animal put into a Zoo. Another car wrecked. Another toilet flushed. Another fish caught. Another dollar made. Another picture painted. Another failed class. Another fish caught. Another bitch slapped. Another class taught. Another lunch aten. Another friend made. Another couple laid. Another baby born. Another letter being torn. Another pig shoten. Another doenut aten. Another spell cast. Another gun blast. Another battle won. Another game won. Another church burned. Another animal killed. Another nut aten. Another killer jailed. Another judge that failed. Another skateboard railed. Another storm that hailed. Another sea was swam. Another VCR been jammed. Another bread slice been toasted. Another marshmellow been roasted.Another virginity lost. Another hair-cut. Another heart broken. Another life changed. Another person sued. Another time to spend. Another paragraph you just read.


Just Another Day

One more day of aging. But why must we age? Well thats a simple question...but it could have so many answers received.

First of all...Why do we live?
We live simply to live. Depending on what we do and say controls what happens while we are living. This then... controls on what the aftermath of life is. For example:

When somone be leafs in a idea that is good to them, they shall go to the place in which their idea leads them. Buddist for example..belive that by doing what they do, will have an effect on what they are reincarnated as. As for Christians... they do what their bible says and they shall go to heaven...if not...then hell.

Second...What creates aging?
Living itself ages us in the manor in which we live. Smokeing will make us look older. Wearing makeup makeing us seem younger. Doing our hair a certan way, dressing a certan way...creates the out come of our aging.

Third...Why do we have to age forever?
Why? What are you fucking stupid? We don't die untill after we are done aging...what makes you think time is gonna stop it hurling momentum for your sorry ass?


Pain for PLeasureal Means of more Pain

Well well well....Back again for the usual theory or lame thought or sex advice...time for a checkup.
You currently are at the page OF THE LORD AND MASTER...ShInE SpaRkle sPArkLe
Well now that you know right where your at.Make yourself comforatable...we got guns under the chairs...just go and KILL Something...Later.


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