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This site contains content not approved for consumption by senators, penguins with hostile intentions, religious leaders or other easily damaged psyches, those seeking to enhance or establish political careers and/or possessed of delusions of grandeur. Also not recommended for people under the age of 13, nuns with bad habits,people with IQ's under 70 or anyone else that gets upset easily. If accidentally exposed, flush eyes with cold water and induce vomiting. If irritation persists, sit quietly and watch PBS. Not for internal use. This site is GUARANTEED not to make you go blind, masturbate (and THEN go blind), become a social liability, induce you to act out atrocities that you would otherwise never indulge in, or burn eternally in hell. You'll do that on your own! DarkAngelica accepts NO responsibility for any and all random acts of stupidity or violence committed by losers who may blame the Internet and/or sugary snack foods for causing their inherent basic lack of control. If you're stuck on stoopid, you're on your own.

"It's always funny until someone gets hurt... then it's absolutely fuckin' hysterical!"

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