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Christy's Durranged Web Page

Hey, everyone! Yes someone would give me, a durrange minded person, my very own web page! Scary huh?! Well my name is Christy if you haven't already gathered that. I have several nicknames: Peaches, Boo Boo, Sissy, Babygirl, Scuz, and a new one that I'm not very fond of, Nikki! I'm around 5'3, light brown hair, eyes that change colors, but are usually around a greenish color. I attend Sunbright High School in Morgan County. I'm in Upward Bound, FCA, and I'm a class officer for the class of 2005! I like hanging out with my friends and just having a good time! What I do in my spare time is play around with my Am Staffs! I use to show them, but I got to busy! I still breed them though. My favorite is my brindle, Rebel's Pride Fire And Ice! She's very aggressive though! For those of you who don't know what Am Staff means it's American Staffordshire Terrior (Pit Bull)! My life has somewhat been a living hell here lately! Thank God for my friends! I miss all of you on Capps Road! After this summer, Jessica is leaving me, so that saddens me too! Here's a big shout out to all of my friends in Upward Bound! Hey, I miss you guys! Hey Joe, I didn't forget you! Yes, I miss you too! Another thing I love frogs, just not real ones! I think I'm pretty easy going and open minded! These days all of my friends who aren't pregnant are ingaged, except for Tabby! Jessica's my best friend, she always knows how to make me happy. She's always there when i need her! Hey Jason, I din't forget you baby! I love you now more than ever! You've been with me through everything: my Dad getting put in jail, Amanda running her damn mouth, and my Mom's party days! I'm just glad to have you back! One of my pet peves is people who get bored and start making shit up! That is why I think people need to keep their nose out of everyone elses business and work on their own problems! Now I'm bored, so I'm gonna go! Well this is all for now, but my page is far from done! If you have any advice, suggestions, or just wanna talk email me. I'd be happy to hear from you!

10 Things I Enjoy Doing!

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Flaming text, says it all!!
Gwende Dolls
Funny Pages!
Jamie's Web Page
