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15th May 2003
Live from Los Angeles, California
Main Event - The Undertaker vs. The Rock

Last Thursday night on SmackDown the Rock took out the Olympic hero himself in singles action thanks to Eric Bischoff...on the main event of the first EVER XWA Smackdown! The Rock earned himself the right to be the number one contender and be on top of the world so to speak in the XWA. This week the rock goes up against the man from the dark side, The Undertaker in the Smackdown main event I wonder what will happen this week hm? Well we'll have to find out as a champion is also crowned this week! Its sure to be on hell of a show!

I don't want you and I don't need you
don't bother to resist, I'll beat you
It's not your fault that you're always wrong
the weak ones are there to justify the strong

the beautiful people, the beautiful people
it's all relative to the size of your steeple
you can't see the forest for the trees
you can't smell your own shit on your knees

The scene fades up to the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California where we are shown all the screaming fans and all the signs around the arena. Pyro's go off at the main entrance to the ring as the Beautiful people theme song plays. We are shown Tazz and Michael Cole at ringside in the announce table as they ring in the first ever Smackdown when..


Kurt Angles music blasts throughout the arena as the capacity crowd waves their signs in the air and chants "You Suck!" to the beat of his music. He walks about half way down the ramp and pauses, takes a good look at the crowd, and then throws his hands up in the air as red, white, and blue pyros go off in the background behind him. He walks down to the ring and rolls inside. He gets up and spins around a few times with his hands in the air, getting a mixed reaction. The ring announcer hands him a microphone

' Olympic Hero ' Kurt Angle : Well well well...its the second episode of Smackdown here in the XWA, and I've ALREADY been screwed! Last week we the first Smackdown, ever, and it goes down with me being knocked out with a lead pipe! Now you all saw it, I mean I had that match won! I was about to be come the first number one contender on smackdown but no, now that idiot The Rock has it!Now make no mistake about it, Rock, this isn't over. I'll get you back for what happened last week, even if it was Eric Bischoff that did it. I'm holding you responsible, I know you had something to do with it so you better not mess with me Buster! An...

...Glass Shatters...

All of a sudden the crowd erupts into a frenzie of screaming fans as Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his way down the ramp, walking with that tough guy attitude. He rolls into the ring and walks to each corner, climbs onto the turnbuckle, and raises his arms in the air. He walks over to the far side of the ring and grabs a mic.

' Olympic Hero ' Kurt Angle : Now may I ask what the he..

' Rattlesnake ' Steve Austin : AH...AH...SHAT AP!

' Olympic Hero ' Kurt Angle : Can I help you?

' Rattlesnake ' Steve Austin : Now I'm sitting back in the locker room area, listening to you flapping your little gums about how you lost your match to the Rock. And well pretty much the only thing that you could say that could make your sorry ass look the lightest big intelligent is to just admit you SUCK!

Kurt Angle looks to be getting adjitated as Austin paces back and forth in the ring. The crowd starts chanting "You Suck!" as Austin gets a bit of a smile on his face.

' Rattlesnake ' Steve Austin : Well Kurt it looks like you've got about 35,000 people saying YOU SUCK! And the big man upstairs knows for sure their speaking the truth.

' Olympic Hero ' Kurt Angle : Hey, wait just a minute their Stone Cold. There's no reason you should be out here and take it from me, I'm not the man you wanna get on the bad side of!

' Rattlesnake ' Steve Austin : Heh, is that right? NOW IF YOU WANT ME TO GET ON THE BAD SIDE OF KURT ANGLE, GIMME A HELL YEAH!

The crowd responds with a resounding hell yeah!

' Rattlesnake ' Steve Austin : heard the people!

Austin kicks Angle in the gun as they both drop the mics and and they krackle as they hit the floor as Austin goes for the stunner but Angle pushes him away and hooks him for a German suplex and deilivers! Austin pops right back up and runs into the ropes, he bounces off and hits Angle with the Lou Thez press! He starts punching the life out of Angle as the officials from the back flock down to the ring to break up but Austin starts cleaning house, stunner after stunner to the XWA referees. Austin starts getting in the fallen peoples faces and talking trash. Angle slowly gets up as Austin starts stalking him.... What! Kick to the gut...STUNNER! ANGLE IS KNOCKED OUT! Austin is in his face and then gets up and stands on the turnbuckle as his music blasts throughout the arena. He raises his arms as the crowd goes wild and Austin rolls out of the ring and talks trash up the ramp as he walks to the back! Ladies and gentlemen...its XWA SMACKDOWN!

Singles Match
Scott Hall vs Chris Jericho

The fans are awaiting the world title, first blood match when Steve Scott Hall's music hits over the all of the arena as the main man in the Network comes out to a round of boo's, followed by Cyrus 'The Virus'. Cyrus leads Scott Hall out towards the ring as the self proclaimed 'King of old school' enters the ring, awaiting his opponent and world champion, Chris Jericho. Suddenly .. '5..4..3..2..1.. BOOM!' The Y2J Countdown begins and ends as Jericho, makes his way down the ramp Jericho steps onto the ring apron and wraps both arms around the top rope, facing the crowd, and then enters the ring. Jericho and Scott Hall stare each other down as the bell rings. They both lock up, back and forth as Jericho seems to get the upper hand, but Scott Hall kicks Jericho in the stomach. Scott Hall then grabs Jericho's arm and twist's it around as Jericho screams and Scott Hall kicks him in the stomach once again.  Scott Hall, now with the upper-hand, grabs Jericho by the hair and throw's him into the corner, and he then charges at him, spearing him like, into the pole. Scott Hall climbs the turnbuckle and signals to the crowd, he's going for the old ten punch count. He gets one, and so on, and he gets to nine and then checks for blood, but Y2J isn't bleeding yet so he delivers another huge round up but before he punches, Jericho pushes him off, and gets up out of the corner and stomps away at Scott Hall, kicking him in the head and chest area.  Jericho then elbow drops Scott Hall right on the head trying to bust him open. No man is bleeding yet however. Jericho picks up Scott Hall after the stomping assault and whips him into the ropes and runs to clothesline him but Scott Hall ducks and runs to the opposite rope as Jericho does. They come back at each other and Y2J slides under Scott Hall's legs. Scott Hall turns around and is elbowed to the face by Jericho. Scott Hall holds his face in his hands then as Jericho kicks the feet out from under him. Jericho then smiles and kicks Scott Hall, trying to force him up. Jericho then picks up Scott Hall, and Scott Hall takes a swing at him but Jericho ducks and dropkicks Scott Hall. He then sees the chance for the lionsault and runs off the ropes and pushes himself into doing a backflip and landing on Scott Hall, Jericho hooks the leg 1....2........3! Jericho wins!

Winner: Chris Jericho

The scene goes to Matt Hardys locker room as he's sitting there with his number one MF'er, Mattitude Follower, Shannon Moore.

' Sensae Of Mattitude ' Matt Hardy : You know Shannon... I am the master of the Mattitude Followers, and of course I do posses all the mattributes needed to become someone of my status...

' Number One MF'er ' Shannon Moore : Well...what about me Matt?

' Sensae Of Mattitude ' Matt Hardy : Well Shannon, I like to think that you have a iota of Mattitude, and you do posses some of the Mattribtes needed to be come like me. But until then, you will remain, just a MF'er...

' Number One MF'er ' Shannon Moore : Cool...I guess. But anyway, who are you facing this week?

' Sensae Of Mattitude ' Matt Hardy : Well this week, I'm going against the inferior superstar, known as Kevin Nash. This week he will know why they do call me, the Sensae of Mattitude, and of course, why I am the leader of all the Mattitude Followers. Tonight on Smackdown, Kevin Nash will be the next victim to recieve a Mattitude Adjustment!

The fades out to the ring side area as Matt Hardy makes the "V 1" sign into the camera...

Singles Match
Rhino Vs. Jeff Jarrett

“The Man Beast” Rhino’s music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He slides in and poses with his 2 arms raised on the turnbuckle and the crowd jeer quite loudly. The music is interrupted by Jeff Jarrett’s music and “The Chosen One” makes his way down to the ring to a missed reaction. The 2 men circle each other and go to lock up and the strength of Rhino drives Jarrett straight into the turnbuckle. He lays some hard shots and then, Jarrett reverses and lays the right hands on Rhino. He tries to whip Rhino into the other turnbuckle but the whip is reversed and as Jarrett impacts the turnbuckle, Rhino drives his shoulder into the gut of Jarrett and then, rains stomps onto Double J. Rhino then hip tosses Jarrett and follows up with a high-angle suplex. 1… 2… Jarrett throws Rhino off. Jarrett turns and Rhino clotheslines his opponent to the ground, Rhino drags Jarrett to the turnbuckle and goes to slam his head on it but Jarrett rakes the eyes, slams Rhino’s head on the turnbuckle and hits a Russian legsweep on the dazed Man Beast. 1… 2… Rhino kicks out. Jarrett drops an elbow to the throat of Rhino and repeats it 2 more times. Jarrett pulls Rhino up and looks for a suplex but Rhino blocks and hits his own snap suplex. Jarrett turns, charges Rhino ducks the clothesline, he bounces back and Rhino hits a huge high-angle spinebuster. Rhino gets up and calls for the Gore and Jarrett climbs up the turnbuckle, he turns and moves out of the way of Rhino’s gore, But Rhino stops himself. Jarrett stumbles to the other side of the ring as Rhino stalks Jarrett once again. BOOM! Rhino jolts towards Jarrett, GORE GORE GORE! Rhino hooks the leg...1.....2.......3! Rhino takes the win!

 Winner: Rhino


The scene fades to the back as the Rock is seen walking through the hallways of the back on the titan tron and the crowd boo's. All of a sudden the Rock stops because see's Shane McMahon. The camera goes to Shane McMahon and the crowd cheers's for him. They stare at each other and Shane McMahon speaks the first words.

' Smackdown GM ' Shane McMahon : You didn't deserve that win last week. You cheated and you...

' The Great One ' The Rock : Shut the hell up before the Rock sticks his boot up your ass.

' Smackdown GM ' Shane McMahon : You know it you bastard...just admit it.

' The Great One ' The Rock : Cheated...The Rock already had the win....Eric just came into to make sure of it.

' Smackdown GM ' Shane McMahon : Angle had that match won and you know it. you were tapping

' The Great One ' The Rock :
Tapping....The Rock has never tapped in his life. Why would he tap to a Ankle Lock?

' Smackdown GM ' Shane McMahon : Its ok Rock....I will get revenge on you....

' The Great One ' The Rock :
Oh. I'm afraid of 3 foot tall elf. Get the hell out of the Rock's way. He's got places to go.....Jabroni!

' Smackdown GM ' Shane McMahon : You just wait Rock.

' The Great One ' The Rock : Dont worry kid. Keep drinking your milk maybe you will be strong some day just like the Rock.

The Rock walks away from Shane bumping him on the shoulder. Shane gets a pissed off look and his face and mumbles a few words and then walks away.

Singles Match
Kevin Nash vs. Matt Hardy

10 %....30%....50%....70%...100% then "Live for the Moment" as Matt Hardy makes his way on to the stage and the fans are booing as Matt raises his hand in the "V1" sign. Matt then gets in the ring and goes on the second turnbuckle and raises both of his hands in the air and does a V1 sign with both of his hands. Matt's Music dies down as Kevin Nash's music hits as Kevin Nash comes out and Big Sexy Kevin Nash struts his way down to the ring and the fans begin to cheer. Nash then gets in the ring and before he poses anymore Matt attacks him from behind and the referee points to ring the bell. Matt begins to keep punching Nash in the face but Nash doesn't seem the bit fazed by the punches. Matt looks scared and Nash hits Matt and Matt falls to the mat. Nash then gets Matt up and backs him into the corner and keeps elbowing Matt right in the face. Nash whips Matt into the ropes and then he powerslams Matt. Oh My god Matt is hurt from that big powerslam. Nash then does a elbow drop on Matt and Nash goes for the second elbow drop but Matt moves out of the way and Nash drops a elbow right on the mat. Matt then gets his way back to his feet and begins stomping Kevin Nash right in the gut while Nash is still down from the missing elbow drop. Matt then picks Nash back up to his feet and WHAM a ddt right to Kevin Nash. Matt Hardy goes to the middle turnbuckle and does a legdrop right onto Nash. Matt goes for the pin and the referee goes for the count 1-2.. Nash kicks out as Matt looks like what does he have to do to beat Big Sexy. Matt then looks angry as Nash barely makes his way to his feet and Matt comes from behind Nash and does a back suplex on Nash and does a fist drop on Nash while he is down. Matt goes for yet another cover and the referee goes down to pin 1-2 and Nash kicks out this time he throws Matt off of him. Matt waits for Nash to get up and he goes for the twist of fate  but Nash blocks it and he throws him into the ropes and when Matt runs back at Nash BOOM a big foot right to the face and Nash goes for the cover this time but Matt kicks out at the count of two. Nash looks shocked like Matt did earlier. Nash then picks Matt up and does the snake eyes and then does a sidewalk slam right to Matt and goes for another cover and Matt kicks out again at a two count. Nash is furious and he throws Matt into the ropes yet again and goes for a clothesline but Matt ducks and then Matt comes running back at Nash and WHAM they have just double clotheslined each other and they both are down as the referee administers a ten count.

Winner: No Contest


The scene goes back to the ring where John Cena's music booms over the PA system..


john cena: Yo, cut the beat, it's time for a rapping session!!...

The music dies down...

Yo, yo, yo...check it out...John Cena back in LA
Back with all those prison lovin' gays..

The unbeaten streak continues tonight..

Cena makes it further to the ring as he carries on his rap..

Al, you call yourself the Showstealer..
You couldn't steal a show from a little kid!

Shane you say Smackdown is the place to be?
Well that shit don't impress me!

Cena climbs into the ring as the crowd are booing really loudly by loud. He paces around the arena and speaks some more....

Nothing's gonna come in the way of me and this title fight...
Your wrestling abilities are total utter SHITE!....WORD LIFE!

Television Title
Alex Shane vs. John Cena

John Cena attacked Alex Shane right as he got it in the ring and Alex Shane got the better of John Cena and then he gave him some right hands. Alex Shane whipped John Cena off the ropes and he gave him a flap jack and then he slammed his head into the mat a number of times. Alex Shane slammed John Cena into the corner and he went for the DDT but John Cena blocked it and bailed out of the ring. Alex Shane went after John Cena and the two battled on the ramp, exchanging right hands. Alex Shane knocked John Cena down on the stage and then he gave him a slingshot into the SmackDown structure! Alex Shane brought John Cena back into the ring and then he slammed him into the second turnbuckle, head first. Alex Shane slammed John Cena's head into the top turnbuckle a number of times and then the second and then the bottom. Alex Shane stepped right John Cena as the referee was there to make the count. John Cena begged off and Alex Shane went after him and then John Cena slammed Alex Shane into the steel ring post. Alex Shane fell to the outside of the ring and then John Cena tossed Alex Shane right into the security wall. John Cena then grabbed Alex Shane and he slammed him into the steel steps and then he rolled Alex Shane back into the ring. John Cena kicked Alex Shane in the head a number of times and then he yelled at him to get up. Alex Shane got up and he battled back with some right hands and then John Cena gave Alex Shane a unique back breaker and then he pinned him for a two count. John Cena kicked Alex Shane right in the back and then he posed and got some tremendous heel heat. John Cena grabbed Alex Shane by the hair and he pulled him off the mat and slammed him right back on the mat. John Cena did it once again, come on, ref! He pulled the hair! John Cena whipped Alex Shane off the ropes and he gave him a power slam and a pin for a two count and then he gave him a number of hard right hands. Alex Shane battled back with some shots to the mid section and then John Cena slammed Alex Shane into the corner. John Cena chopped Alex Shane across the chest and then he posed to get some more heat. John Cena once again chopped Alex Shane and then Alex Shane battled back with some chops of his own! Alex Shane gave John Cena a side Russian leg sweep in the middle of the ring and as both men were down, the referee started the ten count. Alex Shane got up and he went to the ring apron and then he headed to the top rope. John Cena gave Alex Shane a shot to the mid section to slow him down and then he hooked him in a super plex, but Alex Shane blocked it. 

Alex Shane knocked John Cena down to the center of the ring and then he went to the top rope and he came off with a move but John Cena moved and Alex Shane landed on his feet and he got John Cena in a German suplex pin for a two count. Alex Shane's eye looked to be busted opened and Alex Shane went for a spear but John Cena side stepped it and slammed Alex Shane into the turnbuckle. John Cena gave Alex Shane a drop kick and then he pinned him twice, both for two counts. John Cena choked Alex Shane as he was down and out and the blood seemed to be going into Alex Shane's eye. John Cena started to grab Alex Shane but Alex Shane kicked him in the head and then he got up and gave him some hard right hands and then he went off the ropes and both men collided with a high cross body and both men once again were down on the mat. Cena slowly gets up... he stalks Shane but whats this? Jeff Jarrett is running down to the ring! He slides into the ring but Cena saw him coming. Jarrett goes for a clothesline but Cena ducks BOOM JARRETT HITS CENA WITH THE GUITAR. WHAT THE HELL THE REF DIDNT SEE THAT?! YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME! Shane rolls onto Cena and hooks the leg....1.....2.....3! Alex Shane wins the television title!

Winner: NNNNEEEEEEEWWWWWWW Television Champion, Alex Shane!


The scene goes to the....the...ECW Lockeroom? What the hell is this??

' King of Old School ' Steve Corino : Yeah I guess it was a good win...

' Master Of The Gore ' Rhino : Yeah it was..

'The Virus 'Cyrus : A win of the HIGHEST quality Steve, looks like you two guys are going to be the main force in the XWA..

' King of Old School ' Steve Corino : When and IF I want to come back...

' Manager of Old School ' Jack Victory : Speaking of that Steve, when are you back?

'The Virus 'Cyrus : The sooner the better..

' King of Old School ' Steve Corino : When I want Jack, and until then..let's kick back and enjoy the night...ain't it that Rock bloke up next?

The scene fades, the Rock vs. The Undertaker IS next!!

Main Event spot on next weeks Smackdown
The Rock vs. The Undertaker

The Rock's theme booms over the PA system as The Rock appears at the top of the ramp. He then continues to the ring where he climbs up the steel steps and walks along the side of the ring. He then raises his arm as he gets a mixed reaction.

The Rock jumps down and steps into the ring as the lights dim and The Undertaker's music is played as he appears on the stage. He makes his way down to the ring slowly with his The Rock walks over to the edge of the ring and begins to talk trash to The Undertaker below.

Before we know it The Rock is outside the ring and punching the hell out of The Undertaker. The Undertaker tries to fight back but The Rock over powers The Undertaker and lunches him into the security wall. The Rock then goes under the ring and pulls out a steel chair. The bell has not been rung so all is legal in the pre-match. The Rock walks over to The Undertaker but as he goes to hit The Undertaker with the chair, The Undertaker is able to hit a low blow that catches The Rock off guard. There will be no action for The Rock tonight as he falls to the floor in pain. The Undertaker now has the advantage as he kicks The Rock to the mid section while still on the floor. The Undertaker then begins to slap The Rock around the head and laugh but The Undertaker isn't laughing for long as The Rock fights back and knocks The Undertaker to the floor with a right hook. Holding his gut in pain from the low blow, The Rock drags The Undertaker to the floor and pushes him into the ring. 

The Rock then finally gets into the ring as the match is able to begin. The bell is now rung as The Rock continues to lead the match with a number of power moves. 1..2...1 The Undertaker kicks out after The Rock goes for an early cover. The Rock now begins to go back to work on The Undertaker, but this time working on the knee of The Undertaker. The Rock picks up The Undertaker's knee and drills it into the matt a number of times before stopping to place The Undertaker into the sharpshooter. The pain is clearly seen on the face of The Undertaker as he screams aloud. The Undertaker knows that if he doesn't act quickly then he will end up tapping out....Undertaker managers to get to the ropes....the Rock is lines the Undertaker and gets the ROCK BOTTOM!!! ROCK BOTTOM ON THE UNDERTAKER!! The Rock gets the cover 1.......The ROCK USES THE ROPES FOR LEVERAGE 2......NOOO!!!......3..!!! The Rock gets the damn win, the cheating sonovabitch, the Rock just stole the win and the referee didnt see it!!

Winner: The Rock

Well, Pete here, the new "head writer" of Smackdown. I had some help this week due to myself not feeling too good yesterday and results are a little later than they should be but oh well I guess :/ A special thanks goes out to Jamie Malone, Dan, and Chuck. Raw card is up and the main page will be updated. Please give feedback on the OOC, I would like to know how I did for my first week. C ya later guys!


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