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Here I Am

Crawling In The Dark

I recently had a website here, but I let it go because some bitch kept signing my guestbook cussing me out and judged every fucking move I made. So I've created a new path.. I'm back to the things I love and nothing can stop me now cause I don't care. I have an interest in people who dont give a fuck about what people think, they dress how they want, they don't label theirselves, and they are just plain them... Thats why I made this website to fish those people out.

If anyone remembers that gay little website once known as "Krazy" or "Krazy Shizit" or whatever the fuck it was, yes I am that same girl. I'm still known as Krazy.

02/27/04 6:29 pm

TOP 3 FAve BANds

  • Cold
  • Slipknot
  • KiTTie

STuff I LIke

  • hardcore music (as listed above)
  • black clothes (yes, yes I am what u think)