Clan-dbd Notebook -------------------- * ATTENTION: New entries will appear at the top, older entries will appear below! This notebook was created to maintain an line of comms within the clan. Feel free to have at it! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2:52 PM 2/15/03 to: all Hey have not seen you guys about lately. Of course I have been VERY busy here. I have a crap load of stuff I've found lately. If you happen to see my acct logged on yet I do not respond. I have a program that will is checking for items that other folks are getting rid of. It allows my char to get those items before bnet deletes them from the server. The games all begin with Dragon-19xxxx, so if you see that I CAN NOT respond to you without loosing those items. This program also has the ability to grab items away from other chars. :) New stuff: my sorc is level 91 now found an ohm rune! (50% Enhanced Damage) crafted another cruel colossus blade (ccb) found another SOJ! :) to: Devon I have you some stuff for your Druid, if you want them. I also have some stuff that your merc could use. I'm still looking for a better weapon for it! to: all I'll be on tomorrow most of the day, Sunday, Feb 16, 03. I want to rush a new sorc! i want to tweek out some stuff that would make for a stronger char. :) We'll talk. Enjoy life! -david -------------- 9:43am 02/10/2003 to:david Sweet , we should make a time to meet and do some playing! Yeah my page is comming along - for some reason tho my center image tag isn't working (which is why my acct names aren't centered) ahh well I'll figure it out. Anyways yeah , where can we look up item worths and what-not? I see myself having some sellable items real soon. Anways hit me up with a time (I believe we determined that we were 1 hour behind you or something) -tavis ... errr who's tRavis? j/k - I get that all the time! -------------- 1:08 PM 2/9/03 to: travis saw that your getting ur page up and running. i was able to get u some MF gear (war travs, occy, mf shield) and some stuff for your merc. -david -------------- 1:06 PM 2/9/03 to: all i created this file this am so we can keep in touch w/ each other. i talked to one of my old buddies on bent the other day (*nickn20), he was interested in joining the clan. i added a link for him. i met up w/ him about the time that the my last clan broke-up and headed over to 'ever-crack' and USEast. i also started a site for items we want to sell. feel free to add to it! -david