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Welcome to the City of Tetrapoli. The Administrator of this city is Dark Forsaken, 
and His word is law. 

Rules of the tags of the City of Tetrapoli.

"There is a saying on Gor that the laws of a city extend no further than its 
walls."--pg. 50,Outlaw of Gor


One must seek safe passage from Dark Forsaken or Dark Summer in order to enter into this city and 
be protected by its tags, Those who enter without safe passage are at risk 
of capture or even death.

"The Gorean is suspicious of the stranger, particularly in the vicinity of 
his native walls. Indeed, in Gorean the same word is used for both stranger 
and enemy."--pg. 49,Outlaw of Gor


Any hostile actions towards Me or My Guests will revoke any safe passage 
granted , and will no longer be protected by the tags and at risk of 
capture or even death.


Free Women are welcome granted they have safe passage. Veils are optional. Should they become uncontrollable, or rude beyond what is allowed 
they will be arrested and taken into custody, pending a trial. Slave like 
behavior from a Free Woman will NOT be tolerated, act like a slave become a 

"The principle he had alluded to pertains to conduct in a free woman which 
is taken as sufficient to warrant her reduction to slavery. The most common 
application of this principle occurs in areas such as fraud or theft. Other 
applications may occur, for example, in cases of indigence and vagrancy. 
Prostitution, rare on Gor because of female slaves, is another case. The 
women are taken, enslaved, cleaned up and controlled. Indulgence in sensual 
dance is another case. Sensuous dance is almost always performed by slaves 
on Gor. A free woman who performs such dancing publicly is almost begging 
for the collar. In some cities the sentence of bondage is mandatory for such 
a woman.'--pg. 372 Renegades Of Gor


all slaves may enter safely, should a slave become rude or out of line 
towards Me or any of My guests, they will be chained until his/her Owner comes 
for them. Any Free can punish an errant slave.

"'You cannot punish me!' she cried. 'You are not my masters!' 'Any free 
person can punish an errant slave girl,' I said. 'Surely you do not think 
that her behavior fails to be subject to supervision and correction as soon 
as she is out of her Master's sight?''--pg. 225 Magicians of Gor 


Ignorance to these rules is no excuse.

Administrator to Tetrapoli
Dark Forsaken


Rooms and Lands


COPYRIGHT:Dark Forsaken2003@.COM